
barbola Posts: 5
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I am a 53 year old female, i quit smoking about 3 months ago and am doing good, but the weight is out of hand. I have been trying to eat right and i am exercising, walking, attempting to run, and weights. I still have not lost anything but have gained a few pounds. It is really depressing.


  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Hang in there!!! Don't worry about the weight for a bit, as long as you keep doing what you are doing, it will come off. For whatever reason, it has always taken me about a month of being active and watching what I eat before I drop any weight, and then it just falls off. Your body just has to get used to all the changes. It'll all pay off! And way to go on quitting smoking -- if you can do that, you can definitely do this!!
  • Kath15
    Kath15 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi, I quit smoking about 13 yrs. ago and it was definitely hard. Like a lot of other people, when I quit I started to eat more as somewhat of a substitute. But, quitting is the best thing you and I could do for our health and I'm sure you feel better without them as I do. If you just started on this weight loss journey, don't get so discouraged already. Everyone's body is different so we all lose weight differently -some people lose weight right away while it takes a little more time for others. Have you taken your measurements? Perhaps, that is where you can see the change right now. Just continue to work on eating a proper diet, staying within your calorie goal, and exercising, and the weight loss will come. I know it seems hard to have a positive outlook right now, but that is what you need to push you ahead to achieve your goal. You can do it.
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    Congrats on stopping smoking! It's been 13 weeks for me. I hear you about getting frustrated that you're not losing. I've been at it since Feb and still not losing much at all. HOWEVER, as much as I want and need to lose I am just very thankful that I did not gain weight while dealing with quitting smoking. Plus, I know my body is healthier than a few months ago. My measurements and weight might not have changed much at all but this 48 year old's endurance has greatly increased! That's what I am trying to focus on right now. I know in time the weight will fall off. It will for you too! :smile:
  • barbola
    barbola Posts: 5
    Thank you for the support. I have not taken any measurements, I need to get the courage to do, but hopefully I will show some improvement in inches. I refuse to give up, and am hoping the calorie counter will be helpful.
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