Not losing weight - too much protein or sugar?

I'm a 24 year old female, and I've been doing this for more than a month, but have gained a pound, and I literally split my jeans yesterday. I initially I gained 30 lbs in a period of 3 months 2 years ago when I stopped going to the gym after I graduated college. I was at a stressful job and essentially lived off of starbucks paninis - so I understand why I put on the pounds. But since I got my life back in order, no amount of exercise/diet change has helped to get me back down to my normal weight - not even a single pound lost! I'm 5'2 and 155 lbs right now, which is a lot for me. I work out 5x a week, with a heart monitor and burn between 400-500 calories with about hour of cardio (which I've been consistent with for more than a year) I eat 1200 and always eat back my exercise calories (about 1600-1800).

I also may have a gluten intolerance, so I try to avoid that 90% of the time as I severely bloat.

Anyway, I just noticed the protein/sugar/carb counter which isn't on the app that I usually track with, and I notice that I always go over sugar and protein - even when I'm not eating sugary food. (I've even limited the amount of fruit I eat).

I was just wondering how much I should focus on the type of calorie I'm eating. I am trying to plan my day for tomorrow, but I'm still WAY over protein and sugar, but way below sodium and carbs. I also have 600 more calories to fill, but don't know how to do that without adding even more sugar/protein/fat. Please help! Below is what I plan to eat tomorrow. How can I adjust this to help me finally start losing weight. I'm am getting so frustrated.

7am - Pre Gym Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
Luna - Protein Bar Gluten Free Chocolate Peanut Butter, 1 bar (45g) 190 19 8 12 250 13
190 19 8 12 250 13

830am - Post Gym
Lifeway ( Joey Corrected) - Organic Lowfat Kefir Plain Unsweetened, 1 cup 110 12 2 11 125 12
Generic - Egg, Hard-Boiled, 120 g 140 1 11 13 140 1
Add Food Quick Tools 250 13 13 24 265 13

11 Am
Blueberries - Raw, 0.33 cup 28 7 0 0 0 5
Mangos - Raw, 0.5 cup, sliced 54 14 0 0 2 12
Fage - Total 0%, 1 container 6oz 100 7 0 18 65 7
Add Food Quick Tools 182 28 0 18 67 24

1230pm - Lunch
Starkist - Chunk White Albacore Tuna In Water ., 112 grams 120 0 4 26 380 0
Fresh Express Dsf Net Carbs - Heart of Romaine Lettuce, 2 cups 15 3 0 1 5 1
Bolthouse Farms Creamy Yogurt Dressing - Chunky Blue Cheese 414ml Fixed, 60 g 70 2 5 4 280 2
Weight Watchers - Light String Cheese Light Low-Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella, 1 stick 50 1 3 6 140 0
Red Bell Pepper - Red Bell Pepper, 0.5 pepper 19 4 0 1 3 3
Add Food Quick Tools 274 10 12 38 808 6

3-4pm Snack
Weight Watcher's - Cheese Stick, 24 g 50 1 3 6 150 0
Add Food Quick Tools 50 1 3 6 150 0

Generic - Cod Fillet Baked, 1 fillet 220 0 1 20 65 0
America's Choice - Brussels Sprouts, 12 brussels (85g) 70 10 0 6 50 6
Generic - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 1 Tbsp 120 0 14 0 0 0
Add Food Quick Tools 410 10 15 26 115 6

Totals 1,356 81 51 124 1,655 62
Your Daily Goal 1,782 245 59 67 2,500 36
Remaining 426 164 8 -57 845 -26
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar


  • 2EggsSeparated
    I can't help you because I am still trying to figure it out myself. However, the first thing people are going to tell you is to make your diary public so they can see what you are eating.
  • chrissi024
    chrissi024 Posts: 12 Member
    Im no nutritionist but have taken many biology classes. I think you really need to focus on those carbs your body uses carbs as its main energy source. so your body could be in starvation mode even tho you are eating enough calories, it just doesnt have enough energy to run.
  • cfamigl1
    cfamigl1 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks - diary is public now. I spoke with a nutritionist who originally said I was eating too many carbs and needed to switch to more protein because of a possible insulin resistance (I guess that was her take on me not being able to lose any weight).
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    It could be too much protein. An excess in protein can lead to fat storage.
  • 2EggsSeparated
    Or it could be the fact that you're eating 400 calories some days. You really need to eat. Protein is good for you -- you know, lean meats, eggs and dairy.
  • cfamigl1
    cfamigl1 Posts: 7 Member
    I have to admit, I'm not always on top of inputing my cals in the app. I never only eat 400 cals, on those days, I just forget to log dinner or I went out to dinner and shared food with people/didn't measure.

    I always meet the 1200, no matter what. There are times when I go slightly over, but never below. But I'd imagine if I'm working out, then I should be at least losing something, if not maintaining.

    I also live in New York City in a 5-floor walk up, so I do a lot of walking.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I really should read the entire post but right off the bat, I'm going to say sugar. You can't really have TOO much protein unless you have problems with your liver and kidneys..
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    It could be too much protein. An excess in protein can lead to fat storage.

    Excess calories will cause weight gain regardless of macronutrient.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I don't think you are eating enough anyway to really worry about protein being a problem.. at 155 lbs, you should be eating more than 1200 cals a day.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Any chance you could have PCOS or thyroid problems? Sounds like you should be losing fine on that. I'm your height but a lot older and I could lose on what you are doing. Eating too much protein won't make you fat. It is total calories in versus out that matter.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Chances are good that your inaccurate logging is playing a part. Excess calories cause weight gain. It's either that or fluid.

    See here:

    Log more accurately and measure/weigh everything for the next two weeks and if that doesn't solve anything I'd then look at your gross intake.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Avoid gluten 100%

    90% isn't enough. I know.
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    You cant gain weight from to much protein other then its normal calorie content. To many calories of any kind will cause weight gain however protein itself does not convert to fat at any quantity other then its base calories.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Chances are good that your inaccurate logging is playing a part. Excess calories cause weight gain. It's either that or fluid.

    See here:

    Log more accurately and measure/weigh everything for the next two weeks and if that doesn't solve anything I'd then look at your gross intake.

    ^ Very important point. Probably the only advice you should take from this, other than upping your caloric intake.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Seems like your foods are super varied and you might want to just try eating the same meals more consistently. Random high days of sodium, sugar, alcohol probably are causing water and other food to be held onto longer than normal. Consistency of diet sometimes help not just hitting certain numbers.

    Certain foods no matter what the calories I know will help or harm. High sugar foods cause me to gain weight, but the same calorie high fat foods won't. Cottage cheese is my like go to food when I want to cleanse for some reason. It shouldn't be because it has salt and dairy, but if I stay consistent for 3-4 eating it everything not only goes back to normal.. I'll lose weight. Seems like your days even though under your calorie limit swing in weird ways.

    Pre-cook or assemble 4 meals and keep planning your meals ahead of time.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I looked at your diary and your sodium is way too high, that's a lot for one day. At 2500, me personally would reduce it to at least 1800. Cottage cheese is a very high sodium food, I tend to only eat it at least once a week.

    When my sodium level is high, I normally juice cucumber and celery with some ginger and drink it along with lots of water, it get the salt out of your body.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    i eat 100-140 grams of protein, and do a litttle strength training. I think your proteins and carbs are fine. my carbs flux betweeen 110-180.

    keep an eye on the sodium. it causes water retention.

    that's all the advice I have.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    also- it looks like you have on been using MFP a month or so. you have some LOW days, some good days, and I say a lot of not-logged days.

    try to log accurately and consistently for a full 4 weeks, then see if you need to make adjustments.
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    Thanks - diary is public now. I spoke with a nutritionist who originally said I was eating too many carbs and needed to switch to more protein because of a possible insulin resistance (I guess that was her take on me not being able to lose any weight).
    I found this article tonight. I agree with the nutritionist, eat more protein & less sugar. I have always gone over MFP's allowance for protein; they have it @ 15%. Try adjusting your intake for carbs/fat/protein to 30/40/30 as the article suggests & focus on eating more veggies vs fruits.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I know another poster already said this. But, my initial impression was thyroid and after reading through everything that is still my gut feeling. Sounds exactly like a thyroid problem. But, if your blood sugar struggles, pre diabetes could be playing a role here too. I highly suggest having this discussion with a doctor.