Anyone tried Insanity??



  • adopt321
    adopt321 Posts: 111
    Wow, that's fantastic! Good for you!
    Today is the start of week 6 for me. I love it !! I have lost 11 pounds, and a total of 8.5 inches all over.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    If you want to go the at home workout DVD route, I'd recommend starting with P90X instead.

    You can also do both. I'm in the middle of my 3rd week of a P90X / Insanity hybrid workout.
    What I found in doing both by themselves is that (1) the slow and methodical pace of P90X bored me, and (2) the break neck pace of Insanity tore me apart.......not in a good way. My knees and lower back were really taking a toll.

    I've now been doing this hybrid, and I am still getting results, and the pace of things is just perfect. One day of P90X, followed by a day of Insanity, then 3 more days of P90X and the week is ended with Insanity. It's perfect.
  • alikat2986
    alikat2986 Posts: 72 Member
    I am almost done Insanity, I saw changes as early as 2 weeks into the program. I love it!!

    I bet that was fun taking a pic with Shaun T ;) LOVE INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    So for those that have done this before, do you also continue doing other workouts such as weights and running?

    Or is this something that will take all your energy and you won't want to run?

    If it does cause you to not also lift weights, do you lose whatever you've built up previous to doing Insanity, or does it work all your muscle groups enough to keep you toning? TIA!

    my bench press went way down when i did insanity. The good news is, it comes back very, very fast. Some people train on top of insanity, some don't. if you were going to, i'd recommend some weight training. i just did full body 2-3 times a week. but theres enough resistance in insanity that so that there is a stimulis to help you hang onto your muscle.

    However, unless your nutrtion is amazingly spot on, i'd expect to lose some muscle.

    There is a guy named Lori, you see him in month 2 of insanity. he's got an enormous egale tattoo on this back. when you see him again in asylum, he's super cut but honestly at least a third smaller... and he was all muscle in insanity.
  • MrGuitarDude
    My Insanity results below. It's brutal, but you get what you put in. I was very very satisfied with the results. I did not follow the diet plan, but did start counting cals with MFP two weeks into it.

  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    looking great mrguitardude!
  • biddy81
    biddy81 Posts: 122 Member
    I just started it this morning, so I've obviously not seen any results yet. I just wanted to contribute that I was TERRIFIED of it before I tried it, and while I'm still apprehensive, I found that modifying some of the harder things for now made the exercises doable. It's still very challenging, and I expect the actual workouts are more intense than the fit test, but I'm pretty excited to see where this will take me.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    If you haven't exercised much before, I would suggest you start with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It is on youtube so you aren't out money if you don't like it. You build great stamina with it and it would be a good prep for the Insanity DVDs.

    I totally agree with this. I started off losing weight very slowly in January and February (SW was 240, I'm 5'7") by just doing light cardio (Just Dance 4 on my Wii) and other various workout DVDs I already had for years (The FIRM, love everything they have), Then in March I decided to join a JM 30 DS group and when I completed it had a loss of 11 lbs and over 5 inches lost from my waist and hips (didn't measure anywhere else) and my stamina and cardio were MUCH improved. I started Insanity on April 9th at 207 lbs, I'm almost done with week 3 and I've lost 7 lbs, haven't taken measurements but my clothes are definitely fitting looser, I only measure once a month.
  • afinnessy
    afinnessy Posts: 2
    Absolutely LOVE Insanity!
    This will be my third time doing the series.
    It is TOUGH! My core has gotten so much stronger, and my measurements have really changed.

    I love that the first month is around 45 minutes tops.
    The next month is the full hour, and wow, what a difference!

    Start slow, and you will be amazed at how much better you feel, stronger, etc.

    I could never do guy push-ups......... maybe just one........ I started with girl push-ups (knees down), and now I can follow along with the group!

    I highly recommend it! Awesome, and good luck!
    Keep water and a towel handy........... you will need it!
  • afinnessy
    afinnessy Posts: 2
    Great job!