Gluten free meal+ dessert?

PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
I am having y grandmother-in-law over on Wednesday night for supper and she is on a gluten free diet for "personal reasons". I have never had diet restrictions when I cook for other people so, I am hoping that some of you have some good HEALTHY gluten free meal and dessert recipes! :) Please share!

Thank you!


  • backtovee
    backtovee Posts: 13

    Definitely the blog for you.
  • CecRR
    CecRR Posts: 9 this chick has tonz of awesome recipes!
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    Baked apples are awesome for dessert. Or other fruit I guess...

    As for the meal... As long as you don't cook anything breaded or with grains or flour in it you should be fine... I think.