Diet and fitness plan help

Hello all,

I've lost about 4.5 stone over the past fews years and I'm now at 167lbs. My family say I'm too skinny, though I think they're just comparing me to my old self. I think I look skinny clothed, and most of my body but still have quite a bit of belly fat. I don't think it's lose skin, as it still "wobbles" a bit. What would be the best way to get rid of this? My three options exercise-wise are cardio, strength or abs. I've almost solely done cardio so far, and did some strength training for a couple of months, but then moved back to cardio in run up to a 10k race. That was yesterday, so what should I do now? I guess it's difficult to answer without seeing my belly.. would a doctor know?! Or some kind of consultation with a fitness trainer?!

Also, I'm having issues with my diet. I don't like a lot of foods, but I find that I'm eating way under my calories goal UNLESS I have a lot of snacks (chocolate, coke etc)... have a look at my diary (not filled in for a while admittedly). It works ok at the mo, but if I start doing strength training etc I need to eat back the calories apparently?

Last question.. I want to move onto a half marathon and there's one locally on 12th May. Is this too soon to move from 10k to 21k? At the mo i run about three or four runs a week or three or four miles. Training plans say this is fine, but make one of those a long run (adding no more than half or a mile a week).. so that won't be long enough really will it.. I'd only just be up to 12 miles come the week of the race..?


  • backtovee
    backtovee Posts: 13
    I'd definitely suggest incorporating strength training into your workout while maintaining your cardio. And of course, if you're planning on building muscle, getting enough protein and other nutrients is essential. Congrats on the amazing progress so far, and good luck!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    If you're trying to improve body composition I would say make strength training more of a priority.

    The fact that you eat a piece of chocolate or cake is great! Don't lose that habit.

    I think it's completely fine that you want to go from a 10k to 21k as long as you find yourself a solid running program. Just keep in mind that this will have an effect on your strength training.
  • Adforperu
    Adforperu Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks guys

    Building muscles isn't a massive priority, getting a flatish stomach is.. will that do hand in hand though?