Kettlebells over barbell? Really?



  • Godan2b
    Godan2b Posts: 57 Member
    in short they're supposed to be better because the kettlebell weight isn't centralised to your wrist so you're using more stablizing muscles when using them, also because of this they're supposed to be very good for toning

    where a dumbell or barbell requires less stabilizing because it is central to your wrist

    also @godan2b sorry... but how on earth do kettlebells take up less space? to get the versatility of dumbells in kettlebells you'd need a trunk full of them lol

    kettlebells aren't my thing but i do see why they're popular, and probably do work the way people are saying but i wan't conventional looking muscles and i don't trust these give that effect given how you see some people who are toned up these days looking... weird

    Lol! What a load of nonsense!

    Get under a heavy barbell and do some squats and tell me your stabilisers are not under stress. Or OHP. Or (insert-name-of-heavy-barbell-compound-move-here)

    That last paragraph may need some unpacking, because I couldn't really understand it. I did recognise the word "toned" though and I thought "Uh oh......"