A little new to weight loss and need tips

I'm a 30 year old mother of four and I am currently 35 lbs. overweight. When I had my first two children I gained weight but was able to diet and exercise it off. I just recently had my last two children back-to-back in May of '11 and June of '12. In the process I gained almost 50 pounds between the two pregnancies. I have dropped 20 lbs. over the course of 9 months but I have been stuck at my current weight for the past four months. I have very recently become obsessed with food and I am 100% sure this is why my weight loss has come to a halt. I have no problem going out and exercising and even doing some weight training when I can find the time but I can't stop eating anything I see. I'm not hungry I just get obsessed with hunting down any food in the house. I have never had this problem before and I am not sure what is triggering it but does anyone have any advice or tips to try and calm that crazy, chaotic thought process that keeps screaming at me to eat? Any feedback is much appreciated.


  • Hello there! Have you had your thyroid tested? I had many of the same food issues that you are experiencing after having my kids, and it turned out that I had low thyroid hormones.

    Alternatively, Chris Powell (the trainer from the show "Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition") has stated that there are certain foods that are, to some people (myself included), as addictive as drugs/alcohol. For example, if I eat pizza.... it's all over for my diet that day!! :tongue: Try looking for a pattern when you feel out of control with food... is there some specific food that causes this, or perhaps a food component? (carbs, high sugar, etc.) You should start to see a pattern emerge fairly soon.

    Not sure if either of these helps, but just some ideas to ponder. Congrats on your 20 lbs. that you've lost thus far!! Keep at it :smile:
  • fleerik
    fleerik Posts: 29 Member
    Hello there! Have you had your thyroid tested? I had many of the same food issues that you are experiencing after having my kids, and it turned out that I had low thyroid hormones.

    Alternatively, Chris Powell (the trainer from the show "Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition") has stated that there are certain foods that are, to some people (myself included), as addictive as drugs/alcohol. For example, if I eat pizza.... it's all over for my diet that day!! :tongue: Try looking for a pattern when you feel out of control with food... is there some specific food that causes this, or perhaps a food component? (carbs, high sugar, etc.) You should start to see a pattern emerge fairly soon.

    Not sure if either of these helps, but just some ideas to ponder. Congrats on your 20 lbs. that you've lost thus far!! Keep at it :smile:

    Just looking over your post is leading me to look at my diary to see if there are of these patterns. I'm almost sure it's sugary foods for me...I have a sweet tooth!
  • lagringaloca1
    lagringaloca1 Posts: 22 Member
    I agree that some foods are triggers for me and will send me on a "bender". I especially have to be vigilant about breakfast. NO refined starches, NO SUGAR, and that includes fruit! If I start the day with high protein and a complex high fiber carb then I am okay, but if I have pancakes, cereal, bagels, fruit and/or the local island white bread (they make the best fresh bread hourly here. I miss it SOOOO much...) ANYWAY, then I am struggling to not want to eat every 30 minutes the rest of the day. For breakfast I eat a toasted peanut butter on 100% whole grain bread sandwich, or sometimes grilled cheese on the same bread, or once in a while a mexican omelet wrapped in a high fiber tortilla.
  • Casa222
    Casa222 Posts: 2
    Thank you very much for your reply. I think you may be exactly right about certain foods being a trigger for me. And just as 'lagringgalocal1' suggested as well, I think I need to stay away from the sugars and carbs in the mornings. Thank you everyone for the solid advice. I'm excited to put this theory to the test now!!!