not losing weight

I have been eating 1300-1400 calories daily and doing cardio exercise 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes. I am 5'3 and currently 167 pounds. I have lost a total of 18 pounds in the last 10 weeks. My weight loss has recently come to a major halt. I have not lost anything in almost two weeks. I am beginning to wonder if I should increase my calorie intake to 1600-1800 a day? I am not sure if I am eating enough or maybe eating to many calories?


  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I have been eating 1300-1400 calories daily and doing cardio exercise 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes. I am 5'3 and currently 167 pounds. I have lost a total of 18 pounds in the last 10 weeks. My weight loss has recently come to a major halt. I have not lost anything in almost two weeks. I am beginning to wonder if I should increase my calorie intake to 1600-1800 a day? I am not sure if I am eating enough or maybe eating to many calories?

    Keep doing what you're doing (although you probably could afford to eat a few more calories, I'm 5'2 and eating 1500-1700 a day). 2 weeks really is not a stall. Give it more time 18lbs in 10 wks is pretty amazing.
  • SheCanSheWill
    SheCanSheWill Posts: 33 Member
    Hey, I would recommend upping your calorie intake thats what I had to do and thwieght is slowly coming off. And maybe incorporate some strength training if you haven't already.

    Best of luck, and well done on your progress so far!!
  • jcfromtb
    jcfromtb Posts: 15 Member
    Sounds like you've hit the dreaded "plateau". Try upping your calories 200-300 for a few days, then go back to your goal calories. Go heavy on the protein and be careful of carbs.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I agree, you should give it a couple more weeks and then see about making any changes. Plateau's happen and 2 weeks is just a minor stall. It could be for any number of reasons.

    But you're doing great so far!
  • Thank you all for your advice. I have been mixing up my workouts a bit, so hopefully that and changing my calorie intake will soon give me some change on the scale. I have been doing Jillian Michaels, Tae bo, and walking/running. Does anyone have experience with both Insanity and Jillian Michaels workouts? If so, how do they compare with difficulty level?
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    A 2 week period without weight loss is nothing, you should be aiming for the long game. It's not a sprint. If it's 4 weeks with no loss maybe look at making changes. 2 weeks, nope.