Hi :) My story so far

Hey, my name is Em and I have been using MFP since November 2012. I decided to start losing weight after I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and having been previously diagnosed with PCOS, weight loss was the most important thing my body needed. I was 19, 5ft5 and weighing in at 245 lbs (17 st 7lbs) with a massive BMI of 40.9 which no one believed as I was quite dense. Going by my BMI, I set myself a goal of 156 lbs (11 st) by November 2013 which seemed a bit optimistic but I thought it will make me work harder. I started using MFP with a calorie goal of 1400 and I started doing a Zumba class once a week with work friends. It was agony at first, I had got to such a high weight that I was finding it difficult to walk up a hill without stopping let alone doing an hour of Zumba. But after the first few weeks it got easier and by christmas I'd already lost 15 lbs! I couldn't believe what a good start I'd got off to and I felt so much happier and motivated. I decided to lower my calories to 1000 a day as a boost for a week but continued with this as I found it was plenty enough for me. After christmas I started going swimming during the week and then started an aqua fit class. At the beginning of March I started a membership with my local leisure centre and gym. I'm now halfway with my weight loss! I have lost 45 lbs (3 st 3 lbs) and 6 inches off my waist and hips. I've gone from a size 20 to a 16 and still going! I set myself a short term goal of getting to 196 lbs (14 st) by my 20th Birthday which is on 31st March, so with 4lbs left I'm confident I will hit it. I'm planning to do the race for life this year too which last year would've seemed impossible. I could not be more happy than I am now and can't wait to lose the rest of the weight! :) I couldn't have done this without MFP which I would recommend to anyone. :)