Breast feedings & dieting

Have any of you ladies gone through breast feeding & dieting at the same time? I really need to start shedding some pounds, but I know I have to be careful doing so. Losing weight, can also mean losing milk supply. I did some research on the internet & adjusted my protein as higher then this site well as reducing my fat intake percentage. Anyone have any advice for me??


  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    My experience was that anytime I restricted calories while breastfeeding, it impacted my supply. However, you absolutely can focus on eating all whole, healthy foods, with very little junk food, without it impacting your supply. I lost all of the baby weight from my second child while breastfeeding and NOT restricting my calories at all. I just ate really good foods and didn't eat junk food during that time. Of course, I stopped breastfeeding after a year, slipped into bad habits and gained more weight, but at least during the breastfeeding time, I wouldn't suggest that you restrict your calories. With my first child, I went to Weight Watchers at about 4 months after birth, and my supply dipped even when adding in the "extra" points for breastfeeding. I had to stop restricting to regain my supply.

    That was *my* personal experience, and YMMV.
  • jenhill76
    jenhill76 Posts: 23
    Thankfully I lost all the pregnancy weight within 2 wks after my daughter was born. But I've got an extra 30 lbs I need to lose that's non-pregnancy related. I never gain much with my pregnancies. And I lose it all very quick...within 1 month with all 3 kids. It's the weight I gain since starting an office job in the last 4 yrs that I need to get off me. Office jobs are killers for that. I want to breast feed for 1 till July yet. But I'm going to be a bridesmaid in a wedding in September....and i REALLY want to get some of this weight off. But I don't want to stop nursing till July :(
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    This is what I am doing and I am losing. Tdee-15% plus 500 calories to total 2650 calories a day. My milk is great. I am doing jillian michaels 6 days a week. I don't eat any calories back as I put myself as moderately active when i calculated TDEE. I don't reach my goal for calories often, but I get close- 2400-2500. That is just a lot of food. I also do carb/fat/protein ratio as 40/30/30. It is working well for me- losing inches and weight. My energy is pretty good.
  • Emmielia
    Emmielia Posts: 75 Member
    Im dieting and BFing my LO, he is 14 mo. Feel free to add.

    Edit: read the post properly, Im quite overweight so i still stick to around 1.300cals on most days. And drink plenty of water. Doesnt affect my milk
  • jenhill76
    jenhill76 Posts: 23
    What is TDEE?
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    After my nine year old was born, I went on Weight Watchers. At that time, they gave you an extra 10 points per day if you were breastfeeding. That translates into about an extra 500 calories per day. I was very concerned about losing my milk supply as well but as long as you eat those extra calories (and really concentrate on protein and drinking plenty of water) you should be fine. I ate **A LOT** and still lost weight at a pretty good pace.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    If you decide to lose weight while breast feeding, you will need to add at least 500 calories a day. I add it to my cardio exercise. Other people add it to their food macros.
  • Dolci07
    Dolci07 Posts: 37 Member
    You just have to make sure you eat enough calories to keep your supply. When I first started my supply was dropping but I was eating 1,800 a day. Looking back I should have been eating more. I was not able to lose weight and I believe that that was why. TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure. Meaning - based on your activity level and how many times you exercise in a week. You find out what your TDEE is for maintaining your weight, and subtract 15-20%. There are calculators online to find this out. :)
  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    After my nine year old was born, I went on Weight Watchers. At that time, they gave you an extra 10 points per day if you were breastfeeding. That translates into about an extra 500 calories per day. I was very concerned about losing my milk supply as well but as long as you eat those extra calories (and really concentrate on protein and drinking plenty of water) you should be fine. I ate **A LOT** and still lost weight at a pretty good pace.

    I am nursing and doing WW now and I get an extra 7 points a day (because he is 7 months and on solids now as well) but when I was just nursing it was 12 points a day.

    I eat them all and am losing just over a pound a week and have had not effect to my supply.