I'm fat - I need to change



  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    WELCOME ABOARD! You are going to love it here! I know you can do it. Just remember...the first few weeks are the hardest...I worked my butt off and didnt lose a lb for a little while and then BAM! weight just started falling off. I'm at another stand still now and with the help of MFP I'm about to try some new tips and techniques to get me over my hump. That's what we are all here for...to help when the going gets tough. And now, you are here for that reason too. So remember, encourage others and we will encourage you! Have fun with this. It really does get fun...i promise.
  • hostilhawk
    good luck men you can do it, just start walking, leave the car a houndred yards from you`re work that will make you walk.
  • justjenny1
    Ha! I love the Yoda quote!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Ha! I love the Yoda quote!
    This one?

    "Do - or do not. There is no 'try"

    Yep. As soon as you say you will try, you are allowing for the possibility of failure. Nobody says "I will try to drink this beer". Why not? 'cause it'd be silly, that's why. There's no question of can you or can't you,,, you know you can, and you will. "I will drink this beer". (And I will, just watch me! :drinker: ).

    Same way with controlling your food intake, your exercise level, and your weight. We aren't children, idiots or fools. Nobody wrestles us down and stuff hoho's in our mouths. We are in control of what we do. We can choose to do what we need to do to accomplish the goal, or we can choose to do something else. Do, or do not. There is no "try".
  • CAnneMartens
    I love the support here! If we can help encourage each other, and we continue to track our food we CAN DO IT!!!