
So i've been doing MFP for a while now but pretty much lost / gained between the 143 - 150 lb range for a while. I've recently started going to the gym again, doing a mixture of classes and jogging / weights. Anyway, I was starting to feel better and although my weight is only slowly coming down, I thought I'd buy a tape measure.. crikey

Its now scared me and possibly lit a firewowrk under me.. I'm quite broad shouldered / wide ribs but even so - are these measurements normal for my weight? WHat should I be aiming for? Any advice please..

Waist (natural and breathed out): 33"
Abdomen (belly button and breathed out): 39"
Hips: 40"

height: 5'6"
Weight: 148lbs


  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    I don't know about what is correct, but here are my measurements for comparison.

    Height: 5'6"
    Weight (as of 3/14/13): 215.2
    Mid Bust: 40
    Belly Button: 32.5
    Hips: 41.4

    I'm fairly large framed and broad shouldered. I'm also working out daily with Jillian Michael's workout videos and walking my dog.
  • BellaReady
    BellaReady Posts: 11 Member

    I think I need to redo it tomorrow morning with a proper tape measure (using a cm one at the moment).

    If nothing else its going to spur me on! Depressing as I was feeling so good this morning! :@(