Struggling with the Weekends

I am looking for some tips from anyone out there who also tends to struggle with staying on track on the weekends... I feel like every Friday at 5:30pm a switch gets turned off in my brain and all I can think about is beer and junk food! I almost always have some type of social obligation on Fridays and/or Saturdays (a good thing), so I am surrounded by temptations either going out to dinner, or going to a friend or family members' home for dinner and drinks or parties or WHATEVER. Then when I fall off the wagon (like clockwork), I don't want to see what kind of damage I did, so I wind up not even tracking my food. During the week I stay so in control of my emotional eating, but on the weekends, it's like all bets are off. I had a bad day yesterday and wound up ordering Chinese takeout and eating until I felt like I was going to explode!! Then because of that, didn't "feel" like going to the gym.

I'm hoping by getting some of this off my chest and sharing my frustrations on here, that I find more support and maybe find it easier as I go on to keep on track and continue LOGGING on Friday nights and Saturdays! I know I can do this....


  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Personally, I don't log all weekend and eat pretty much whatever I want.
  • mjhmjhmjh
    mjhmjhmjh Posts: 55 Member
    This morning i put that My 2 goals for the week are drink less coffee and stay on track at the weekend! Thought i would try taking it one weekend at à time! I am exactly the same!
  • natmckn
    natmckn Posts: 48 Member
    Good idea to keep it as a goal in mind!! I should write it down in my planner. (I can't live without that thing!!!)
  • LioshaM
    LioshaM Posts: 129 Member
    I feel your struggle. You are not alone. It has been more than 5 months since something like this happened. For me, it was also 5:30 and it was on. Usually for me it was a slice of cake and a little single serve container of haagen daaz ice cream. I would eat it with a salad so as to justify the additional calories. It was horrible. Just know that it is a mindset that has to change. I sabotaged myself the entire year and I could have been so much farther if I hadn't kept feeding myself crap. I was 196 back in May of last year and ended up at 203 at the end of the year. So, you have to decide what is important to you. I decided I wanted to live a long life and not keep compromising a great week of logging and working out with food. I found new ways to satisfy myself and this craving. Maybe you can make it known to your friends that you are working on something and maybe you can choose other venues instead of places that have drinks on the menu or parties that serve drinks. Or have the friends meet at your house, therefore you are in control of what you eat.
  • bear73000
    bear73000 Posts: 52 Member
    Weekends do really suck for me too. I tend to go to the gym twice a day just to help balance a bit more. I would really suggest logging what you are eating. Maybe actually seeing it in your face like that will slowly change what your are taking in. Do your friends and family know you are struggling? See if there are changes they are willing to make with your socializing that can help you a bit?

    I have had to make a lot of changes in my habits when socializing. The rewards have proven to be much more rewarding tho.

    As long as you get back too it on Monday, you are still ahead of where you were. You should be proud of the direction you are heading. So don't be hard on yourself, keep it up.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I find setting mini goals and prelogging my meals works best for me. Usually my mini goals are to drink a certain amount of water or not to eat a certain junk food that might be in the house. If my meals are pre logged, it's easier to stick to my plan.
  • hmorway2
    hmorway2 Posts: 1
    guys I am really struggling with the weekends and need some help! I really want to loose weight but I always get discouraged and eat my feelings typically on the weekend...any advice?
  • uklouis86
    I have to admit I can be lax with weekends but I will do a lower calorie day on Monday and Thursday to make up for it it seems to work well for me.
  • Boocakes08
    You are not alone!!!!
  • thagy2012
    thagy2012 Posts: 1 Member
    I track even when I've gone over my calories... It helps me to see the damage the next day, only because it makes me work harder at the gym. Also, when I know for certain that I am going to a party or gathering one night, I try to eat a smaller breakfast and lunch, usually packed with fruits and veggies, so I have more calories for the evening. It's not ideal for losing weight, but it's better than ruining my entire day. I limit myself to one beer and try to focus on filling myself up with fruits and veggies BEFORE hitting the pizza or other main courses at parties. If all else fails, wake up earlier and hit the gym before work so that you have extra calories to consume that day :)

    Hope this helps!
  • emiliewright
    emiliewright Posts: 148 Member
    I don't worry about weekends, just give yourself a break. Be smart, don't eat a box of oreos because it's Saturday but just chill about it. I have time for long runs on weekends so I don't worry too much.

    I try not to stress to much about indulging. As long as I am getting my runs in, I'm good.
  • roro73
    roro73 Posts: 153 Member
    I have the same problem but I think mine is more of an issue of being too restrictive during the week. I'm in this weight loss challenge at work & tried being super strict the last two weeks with really low backfire. I binged all weekend with no regard for calories or carbs or anything. I ate when I was clearly not hungry just because I was craving stuff. It was ridiculous. I'm not even upset though because it was a huge reminder of what I already know...less restrictive and more mindful eating work better. Treats and savoring every bite of them would serve me much better. I'm in this for the long haul because its the way I need to eat the rest of my life to keep my weight in check. I may start banking some extra calories because I know the weekends need to be a little more lax. I'm back on track and even though I probably won't win the contest this was a huge NSV for me.
  • ArmandoG28
    ArmandoG28 Posts: 283 Member
    mfp goes missing on weekends lol
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    I am pretty similar. My biggest downfall is the wine. BUT this is the thing, I will never stop socialising on the weekend, and I will never stop having a couple of drinks with my girlfriends on a Saturday---so, I still do. Not doing it wouldn't be changing my lifestyle to something I wouldn't be able to manage. I try to make some healthier choices. Like on the weekend I had a friend over, and instead of putting out crazy bad snacks, like i usually do--I opted for some hummus and veg, some low cal cheese and water crackers and some dark chocolate. She didn't mind one bit. I didn't log because well; well after a couple of glasses of wine, i couldn't remember what I ate. The thing is, if its going to be part of a brand new you, you can't just throw everything you do out the window. I am super good during the week (so much easier when you're at work and preplan all your meals), so that I don't put myself down on a Friday or Saturday when I indulge.
  • natmckn
    natmckn Posts: 48 Member
    Weekends do really suck for me too. I tend to go to the gym twice a day just to help balance a bit more. I would really suggest logging what you are eating. Maybe actually seeing it in your face like that will slowly change what your are taking in. Do your friends and family know you are struggling? See if there are changes they are willing to make with your socializing that can help you a bit?

    I have had to make a lot of changes in my habits when socializing. The rewards have proven to be much more rewarding tho.

    As long as you get back too it on Monday, you are still ahead of where you were. You should be proud of the direction you are heading. So don't be hard on yourself, keep it up.

    Thanks for the reminder :) I should probably be a little more forthright with my friends and family. Thankfully I don't have a massive amount of weight to lose, but many times people perceive that I don't need to lose anything, and don't take it seriously when I say I'm really trying. That adds to the pressure sometimes. But in the end, it's up to me. I think if I try really hard to track no matter what it is I'm eating, that will help me be more conscious about the choices I make.
  • kezza8888
    kezza8888 Posts: 75
    My best tip is to just log all that cr*p!!

    I do...and whilst it hasn't stopped me eating and drinking goodies at the weekends, I think it has helped me eat smaller portions of those naughty choices and also choose low calorie booze! :-)

    I think it is helping me change my mindset as I start to remember how many calories that pizza was last week....etc etc! I dont believe we should deny ourselves the pleasure of foods we love, it's that age old saying "everything in moderation"

    Once you start to be honest with yourself and confess all in the food diary, you will make small changes without even hardly noticing! :-)
  • x_tina324
    x_tina324 Posts: 37 Member
    I am so with you on this one. I do great all week. But on the weekends, if I can't quite remember how many drinks exactly I had, I certainly am not going to try to log them. Surely, Patron shots are low cal ! (haha) And then, to nurse a hangover, I eat whatever sounds comforting, which is never ever very healthy. I'm too embarrased to tell friends and family that I can't eat their food at parties, because I feel like the only one who has to watch their weight. As far as pounds go, I've been losing 4lbs, gaining 2, losing 4, gaining 2. It's a vicious cycle....
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I just try to be as active as possible on weekends. Since I have an extra 9 hours in my day where I don't have to be chained to a desk, I get up and MOVE. Do chores, go for a jog, walk, or bike ride, play Just Dance 4, the more I move the less I have to worry about extra colories going in my mouth. This past Saturday is a good example: I had a chicken biscuit, smoothie and coffee from McDonalds for breakfast, 3 tacos from TB for lunch, chips for snack, and ate stir fry noodles and chicken (with veggies lol) at an Asian restaurant. I went WAAAAYYY over what I usually eat during the week BUT I also, rode my bike with my 2 yr old on the back to and from a St Patty's Day parade, walked around, didn't eat any junk at the parade, didn't drink alcohol, then went to an amusement park with my hubby for a date and walked a ton, up and down hills and whatnot. I try to go easy on myself on weekends and just get back to business on Monday.
  • engozee
    engozee Posts: 16 Member
    I feel your struggle. You are not alone. It has been more than 5 months since something like this happened. For me, it was also 5:30 and it was on. Usually for me it was a slice of cake and a little single serve container of haagen daaz ice cream. I would eat it with a salad so as to justify the additional calories. It was horrible. Just know that it is a mindset that has to change. I sabotaged myself the entire year and I could have been so much farther if I hadn't kept feeding myself crap. I was 196 back in May of last year and ended up at 203 at the end of the year. So, you have to decide what is important to you. I decided I wanted to live a long life and not keep compromising a great week of logging and working out with food. I found new ways to satisfy myself and this craving. Maybe you can make it known to your friends that you are working on something and maybe you can choose other venues instead of places that have drinks on the menu or parties that serve drinks. Or have the friends meet at your house, therefore you are in control of what you eat.


    I also struggled through the weekends but I am slowly gaining control. One thing that works for me is to start the day off with exercise, this way I am less likely to eat junk for a good portion of the rest of the day. I also plan my food in advance so I know what I will be eating. As for social events etc. sadly, I have actually opted out of a lot of them for my own self preservation. I know my weaknesses and this is just the sacrifice I have to make for a better, healthier me. I will often meet up with friends/family after they've had dinner or so as well, this way I do not appear anti-social and yet still go home feeling good about myself.

    Mostly it is a mental game and one that you will eventually win. Just take it one weekend at a time and don't beat yourself up if you fall down a little. Over time, the falls will become less and less until they disappear all together. Good luck...
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Log it. No matter how ugly. Also try to get low cal treats and drinks to mix in with the bad stuff. Like get strawberries with a bit of splenda and cream instead of a big bowl of ice cream. Rich, greasy rotissery chicken instead of wings. Soda water with fresh fruit between beers... Also, if you are at parties, dance if you can. It will both get you away from the food and drinks for a bit, but also burn a ton of calories in a fun way! Log the exercise then eat/drink some of it back!