feeling discouraged



  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    You should stop obsessing about the scale and pay attention to your measurements. Your trading muscle for fat. So your progress will show in inches not pounds. After a about 6 weeks or so, the pounds fall off. Don't get all weird about it. Like you said, doing it the right way is best. But it also takes patients.

    Thank you.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I had a better day today...
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    I weigh 6 pounds more than I weighed last week. I'm flabbergasted. There is no way in hell that I have eaten 18, 000 calories over my goal.

    Have you thought about weighing yourself even less often, maybe once a month? A hard workout and a high-sodium day can cause a good five pounds of bloat for me. It happens. But if the scale is stressing you out, maybe using it even less often would be a benefit. You can take measurements and get on the scale at the beginning of the month, and then just focus on making healthy choices on a daily basis.
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    I agree. You probably need to eat a litlte more. Eat closer to what you need daily. Try 1600-1700 calories a day...

    Trust me. Look up member "Tina0926", she and I had some LONG conversations about her calorie intake, and how I thought she should increase it (fairly dramatically), and I think she's lost like another 15lbs or so just in the last couple months since she started eating more.

    Look her up, I bet she'd love to have another MFP buddy!

  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    i started at 206 and i'm 5'6 and i have lost 10 lbs in 2 months. it's not always consistent but i'm working on it. i probably don't exercise as much as you but i eat around 1500 calories a day.
    feel free to add me if you want! sounds like we have similar goals.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    Thank you all for the good advice!
  • RhondaOnAJourney
    RhondaOnAJourney Posts: 34 Member
    Others have already said, but I'd investigate your calorie allotment. It seems too low. You can't maintain that. Others will argue, but do your research. You'll see. I'm about 22 lbs heavier than you and my calorie allotment is 1880 a day; I've lost 7 pounds in 5 weeks (now that includes doing Chalean Extreme and cardio).

    Do your research--you definitely aren't eating enough. Look into macros, too.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Not sure if it has been mentioned, but make sure that you're weighing your food. When I first started on here, I used to measure and sometimes guess my portions. Then I got a kitchen scale and it turned out I was often WAY off. Also, are you using a heart rate monitor for your workout burns? The numbers given on MFP are not always accurate. These are just some things to keep in mind. People tend to tell you on here to "up your calories" all the time...that has never actually worked for me. I wish it did though!
  • RhondaOnAJourney
    RhondaOnAJourney Posts: 34 Member
    Not sure if it has been mentioned, but make sure that you're weighing your food. When I first started on here, I used to measure and sometimes guess my portions. Then I got a kitchen scale and it turned out I was often WAY off. Also, are you using a heart rate monitor for your workout burns? The numbers given on MFP are not always accurate. These are just some things to keep in mind. People tend to tell you on here to "up your calories" all the time...that has never actually worked for me. I wish it did though!

    SOOOOO true! Great advice. Same thing happened with me. I was 'eyeballing' portions and finally bought a cheap little food scale at Walmart. My 'eyeballing' was off! lol And I also bought an HRM...SO helpful. Great advice.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    Not sure if it has been mentioned, but make sure that you're weighing your food. When I first started on here, I used to measure and sometimes guess my portions. Then I got a kitchen scale and it turned out I was often WAY off. Also, are you using a heart rate monitor for your workout burns? The numbers given on MFP are not always accurate. These are just some things to keep in mind. People tend to tell you on here to "up your calories" all the time...that has never actually worked for me. I wish it did though!

    I do have a hrm and I do measure my portions and try to bring food to work as often as I can
  • RhondaOnAJourney
    RhondaOnAJourney Posts: 34 Member
    Not sure if it has been mentioned, but make sure that you're weighing your food. When I first started on here, I used to measure and sometimes guess my portions. Then I got a kitchen scale and it turned out I was often WAY off. Also, are you using a heart rate monitor for your workout burns? The numbers given on MFP are not always accurate. These are just some things to keep in mind. People tend to tell you on here to "up your calories" all the time...that has never actually worked for me. I wish it did though!

    I do have a hrm and I do measure my portions and try to bring food to work as often as I can

    Then, in my very unprofessional opinion, it truly sounds like you're not consuming enough calories. Look up a thread on here called "In Place of a Road Map." It talks about all your numbers and how to figure out calorie intake as well as informs you about your macros. I strongly encourage you to read it and ask the guy questions. I am following his advice (plus I did some research on my own, of course), and as I mentioned, I've lost 7 pounds in 5 weeks.