In serious need of advice....

readyforchange Posts: 34 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I wasnt to sure where to post this so I hope that this spot works!! Anyways, my teenage daughter just informed me that for the past 2 years she has been abusing herbal laxitives. I asked her why and she said that it has helped her maintain her weight. I am completely shocked and very sad about this so I need some advice on what to do. She is now wanting to quit taking them but had found that if she stops she cant have a bowel movement. Is it possible that her bowels have become dependent on the laxitives? What can she do to regain the bowel muscle.
I aked her how much she was taking per day and she stated anywhere from 15 to 30 pills per day. The bottle says a max dose is 8 per day. I just cant believe that I didnt know and feel very sad and scared. Shes not big to begin with and Im scared that this is going to turn into something bigger. Like anorexia or bulimia.
Please give me some advice, as she has refused to go see a doctor.
Thank you so much in advance..


  • My sister suffers from the same type of illness. She has been taking laxatives to lose weight for years. Where your daughter has taken laxatives for so long, it may take a while for her body to go back to normal. My sister is finally trying to over come her dissorder and she has been taking a stool softner (not laxative--just softner) and eating yogurt (ativia--I think) and lots and lots of fruit. It actually took her a week or more to have her first bowel movment(and she had a stomach ache for days) and she had to use hemmroid cream as well, but it's working Your daughter may need to see a doctor if things don't get moving on their own in a week or two, but it does take a while. I know what you are going through. My sister has been bulimic and has abused laxatives for years. Its hard to watch someone go through that and really hard to know what to do or say. The wrong thing can really set them back sometimes. My sis is finally toying with the idea of seeing a counsler and I'm really praying hard that she does. Good luck.
  • Oh and I need to add :smile: ---I'm defnitely no doctor. I'm just going off of my sister's experience. You probably ought to consult a doctor, just to be safe.
  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    Whether you want to hear this or not, you as the adult and parent need to turn this around and quickly - you need to take her to a physician as well as a seeking mental assistance. Bottom line!!!!!!

    She came to you because she is seeking assistance and help and as the parent you need to help her; she says she does not want to go to the doctor, yet she came to you looking for help and assistance. If she did just start taking these laxatives, you may be able to prevent this line from going further down an avenue that is not pleasant.

    You are fortunate that she came to now; many parents wish that their child came to them at this stage of the game.
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    Based on my research, laxative abuse can lead to 'lazy bowel syndrome' which basically means that she won't be able to have a bowel movement on her own without the use of stimulants. Now, this all depends on the severity of her laxative abuse so I would take her to a doctor ASAP to get her evaluated because it can lead to some serious issues. Hopefully her age is in her side if she's young and her body will go back to normal with time.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Eating Disorders Hotline: 1 800 448-4663 ... I'm sure you'll get some practical answers ... good luck!
  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    re read that part of your post where you said you are worried that it will turn into something like anorexia or bulimia. she is already there. if this happened once or twice then you could say that you are worried she will develop an eating disorder. but the truth is, you need to be worried now, she has an eating disorder now, and she has had it for at least the last two years, maybe even longer. laxitive abuse, diuretic abuse, vomiting, over exercising, they are all forms of purging common in bulimic's and purging type anorexics. your daughter needs help, from a doctor and an eating disorder specialist. not only does she need help to get off the laxitives, but she needs to talk to a specialist who can help her resolve the mental issues regarding why she is doing this to herself. and she needs you to love and understand her, any research you can do as a mother with an eating disordered child will be extremely beneficial. having loved ones that don't understand makes it very hard for the sufferer to recover. understand that she cannot just stop, just like a drug addiction, just because you choose to recover doesn't mean the thoughts just go away, you have to fight for recovery, and fight everyday from that point foreward. you never get "cured", just because an alcoholic has been sober for 10 years, doesn't mean they can go out and have a glass of wine at dinner and expect to be fine. this is something you and her will have to work hard at from now on. to get off these laxitives she needs the help of a doctor, preferably in an eating disorder treatment facility, i'm sure a bunch of people here can recommend some good ones. but if she just quits taking the pills without medical assistance, she could be in serious physical danger. good luck.
  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    another thing to add, you are her parent, if she is under 18 you have control of her. you need to take her to a doctor. she will hate you for it now, but down the road when she is healthy, wife a loving husband, and family, she will know that if it wasn't for what you did she wouldn't have any of that. she needs a mother right now, not a friend.

    if she's over 18, the most you can really do is encourage her to get help and provide her with resources.
  • Missspenditall
    Missspenditall Posts: 301 Member
    Hello, your daughter sounds like me...I started taking laxatives and my Mom's prescription water pills (alternating days) when I was probably 19 years old. I can honestly say I learned the behavior from my Mom. In the beginning I used it to keep my weight down to fit into my wedding gown I had bought 1 year in advance. Years later I was still taking them, then I found out I was pregnant so I stopped. Couple years down the road I started up again...till maybe 1 year ago, I am now 48..I have only quit for good because I promised my family I would. I have even stood in the aisle at Walmart looking at them. I have been really lucky I am able to go naturally. I do eat a lot of fiber and that seems to help. Good Luck to your daughter it is rough.
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