Getting hair done tomorrow, need ideas and opinions

VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
Okay, folks, I'm getting my hair cut and coloured tomorrow. Now, I'm a natural blonde, who colours it. Currently, it's something close to black, with roots. Not an issue, as my colourist is amazing.

However, I'm stuck in this middle length- I'd really LIKE to grow my hair long, as I think it's sexy when it's long... but at the same time, I feel like most days, my hair just hangs there.

I'm kind of wanting something modern... I'd talked to my stylist about highlighting my hair, to transition me over time, back into my natural blonde... and she'd really like to do that... but at the same time, I'm wanting a modern cut, to go with the colour.

Price is not an issue, as she trades her hair services for my Mary Kay products.

Ideas? Lots of photos of me in my profile, and with multiple different hair colours to see.


  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Looked at your pics...I'm diggin' that blonde! And I really like the style of that one too. You look good with a side-swept bang. You can never go wrong with layers and those bangs!
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Looked at your pics...I'm diggin' that blonde! And I really like the style of that one too. You look good with a side-swept bang. You can never go wrong with layers and those bangs!

    I liked the blonde too, however, it KILLED my hair to do that. I went from a rich red to that blonde in one day, and I'll never bleach again. It was gorgeous, but felt like straw... which is why I want to transition over time... but I'm considering asking for red and brown highlights into the black, to lighten that way. I dunno. I'm confused.

    And that length was nice, in a lot of ways. I have a side-swept bang right now, but don't iron my hair most days. Right now it's curly- wash, comb, scrunch with gel. That's the routine most days.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    it's tough. You look like you rock whatever you got so it's tricky. I do like the red with bangs. The dark is very becoming on you as well w. the red lips, kinda goth. The blond looks good as well. As to cut, hmmm... like I said I like the bangs. Maybe layers so even if it "just hangs" it will still look like something. And then you can let that grow out to get back to the lovely long locks. I am also in the same predicament. Med hair now. Can't decide if I should bob it and have it go up in the back or let it grow. My hubby is Puerto Rican and they love the long hair. He says he will leave me if I go short. :tongue: Whatever it's my hair. Anyway keep us posted and take a pic of the end result. Look forward to seeing it.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    it's tough. You look like you rock whatever you got so it's tricky. I do like the red with bangs. The dark is very becoming on you as well w. the red lips, kinda goth. The blond looks good as well. As to cut, hmmm... like I said I like the bangs. Maybe layers so even if it "just hangs" it will still look like something. And then you can let that grow out to get back to the lovely long locks. I am also in the same predicament. Med hair now. Can't decide if I should bob it and have it go up in the back or let it grow. My hubby is Puerto Rican and they love the long hair. He says he will leave me if I go short. :tongue: Whatever it's my hair. Anyway keep us posted and take a pic of the end result. Look forward to seeing it.

    Oh I know the Puerto Rican tastes.. *grins* Was very very close with a Puerto Rican man for many years. Ahem.

    Anywho.. moving on.. :)

    I like playing with colour, and I do get bored with one colour for too long... for the last number of years, I've been red for the spring and summer, and dark for the fall and winter... I keep saying I'll go back to my own colour, and then flake out halfway through, because I feel plain with the natural blonde. I hate feeling plain. I like glam and glitz, and stuff. I'm rocking a raspberry lip today, for goodness sakes.

    I had betty page bangs for a while, and while I loved that, I'm currently growing it out, into a side-swept bang for the moment.

    There will definitely be photos.

    You're right with the layers idea, though. I had a great cut from her a while ago, where it just sat beautifully, even if I did nothing to it... and then my hair got wavy/curly. lol...
  • Hb154
    Hb154 Posts: 9
    I like blonde! Although I used to be Platinum blonde and I just switched 2 days ago to a more natural look to give it a rest & restore it. I think you would look good with a Auburn to be completely honest! Or like a plum because right now, i think the black looks good with your skin tone.. I say you experiment! I do like the bob cut look though. I think that would look good, with the side swept bangs.
    Tell me what you end up doing!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    A friend of mine just recently had her hair dyed into an array of purples with blondish highlights... sounds crazy but looked AMAZING... her cut is similar to mine... the inverted bob but she rocks the betty page bangs. It was SUPER cute and might work for your face. I tend to just give my stylist artistic licence within certain parameters... i.e no crazy colors because I work in a corporate environment, not bald etc... and then lay back and trust her. :) it's not failed me yet.

    Good Luck!

  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    A friend of mine just recently had her hair dyed into an array of purples with blondish highlights... sounds crazy but looked AMAZING... her cut is similar to mine... the inverted bob but she rocks the betty page bangs. It was SUPER cute and might work for your face. I tend to just give my stylist artistic licence within certain parameters... i.e no crazy colors because I work in a corporate environment, not bald etc... and then lay back and trust her. :) it's not failed me yet.

    Good Luck!

    I do the same thing- she's been doing my hair for 8 years now, and has never givenme a bad cut or colour. And she loves me because I let her experiment.. my hair grows so fast anyway... I guess I'm just nervous about it because my self-image has changed a bunch, even after just a 14 lbs loss.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Okay- got an inverted bob... short in the back, longer in the front, with a fringed side-bang. It's a gorgeous deep deep red, with a few chunks of lighter bright red thrown in for good measure. Totally different than I would have planned, but I LOVE it!