A starvation mode question...

Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've noticed that when I put in very few calories in my food journal it will say I'll weigh so much in 5 weeks. Is it tempting to only have 500 calories a day? YES! I could easily see myself starving myself or eating very little to lose weight quickly. I thought that once your body thinks it's starving it holds onto fat and makes it harder to lose weight.

So why does it give such a huge weight loss if I'm in starvation mode? I can't lie. I'm very temped to eat 500 calories a day to get to a lower number faster.

Please talk me out of it because I am nursing and I know it's not healthy. Thank you.



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    It's a "dumb tool" (not critiquing...I think that's actually what it's called) it takes only math into consideration.

    Your body doesn't. It needs food to run, to move, to breathe and definitely to nurse your baby!

    Don't starve. Eat, move and lose. :flowerforyou:
  • Hb154
    Hb154 Posts: 9
    Starving is spur of the moment desperate. And so serious..The longest I've went was 10 days of not eating a thing. Only liquids. It was brutal..my body abnormally lost 7 pounds. People may think "Oh man she lost 7 pounds lets do it!" I know that because I am one of them people. I find anyway to lose weight. any. I'd abuse myself terribly to lose weight.
    In the end of starving myself,i gained 7 pounds back.
    My stomach was cramping for weeks after every time I'd eat.
    I now suffer from Acid reflex and terrible stomach pains every morning.
    and I'm back on the treadmill everyday, trying to run my mistakes off again.
    I recommend you to do it the long lasting right way girl. just force yourself. If i can do it, you can too!!
    because in the end, your happy..relieved with a nice healthy body in side and out. and it's not going anywhere..
  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    basically when you eat very little calorie wise, your metabolism slows causing your weight to slow. will you still lose weight? yes, just slower. when your body is in starvation mode though it saves you fat instead of burning it. so the weight you lose while starving is your body eating away at your muscles. basically your body is panicking at this point. so if you decide "alright on sunday, i can have 1500 cals to jumpstart my metabolism." you won't be jump starting your metabolism, instead your body will store every one of those calories, and hold onto them for dear life, because it is worried you won't eat enough again. it's a survival mechanism.
  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    500 calories is definitely not the way to go, and honestly you will probably not lose weight faster. What you might do though is completely mess up your metabolism while you are doing it, not to mention you will probably feel awful after a few days; low energy, sleepy, crabby..etc, and on top of that, you aren't going to be doing what's best for your baby, or yourself.

    Hang in there, just the breastfeeding alone will help with your weight loss if you are eating clean. Try to remember your body just went through changes with the baby, give yourself some time to adjust and lose the weight sensibly. You need to not only be your best for yourself, but also for your family- and I don't think you can do that on 500 calories a day.

    Remember, healthy weight loss takes a little time, but it tends to stay off. You can do this! Heck, you're a mom, you can do ANYTHING! :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    and my two cents-- don't believe it, anyway. I eat 1400 cals average daily-- have for ages-- according to that @#$! t ool-- um, excuse me, "dumb tool," :blushing: :wink: I should have reached goal about 11 months ago.

    Here I sit, battling the last 10 pounds--

    So, don't be tempted. Eat right-- nurse that blessed baby and chill.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Yeah you need to feed the baby. I lost eating 1400 cals a day. I'm sure you burn quite a few calories by nursing. The weight didn't come on over night and it's not going to come off overnight. Just look at it as getting healthy and give it time to work. Nothing good comes fast and easy. :)
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!!!
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