Nervous eating - tips on avoiding?

I'm a "nervous eater", I admit; in the past, this has been a problem especially when I've had "junk" food around, but now that I don't, it's lessened, but it's still there. As a result of recent stress, I've found myself feeling hungry and nervous-eating a lot.

I don't have cookies or candy or anything of the sort, which is nice, but I still snack on stuff like crackers and cheese, occasionally past the point where I'm "full", so it does get excessive, sometimes.

In the past ~2 weeks, my weight loss has hit a standstill. I've lost about 40lbs. so far, but on some days, I teeter back a few pounds, and I certainly haven't lost any since my low weigh-in about 2 weeks ago.

Sometimes, I'll chew gum to keep it at bay, and that works, but only on occasion. I actually feel hungry when I don't think I should, though (like shortly after eating a meal, or right before bed), so even if I'm chewing gum, the hunger is still a distraction.

What might be some tips for reducing my nervous eating habit, and curbing these sudden cravings? I'd like to be on track to achieve my weight loss goal by April 20th, if I can, but it's now a good 15lbs. away, with this recent slowdown. I'll take what I can get, in any case.


  • liliawodna
    liliawodna Posts: 31 Member
    I have this same issue if I'm bored or when I shouldn't logically be hungry . I can't concentrate on anything but food. Here are a few ways that I try and curb it:
    1. Dum Dum suckers- I know these are not super healthy but they seem to work for my cravings for food AND smokes. They have been great to keep in the car.
    2. Drink something - Not alcohol, but maybe tea, coffee (decaff after 3 pm or you'll be up all night!), water, skim milk, crystal light, lemon water, blah blah blah. Diet soda works too, but that is always a last resort for me. I know my body likes to confuse thirst with hunger.
    3. Popcorn! Popcorn can be a really nice salty snack when you use an air popper or I know they sell microwave popcorn without butter. Then you can use whatever you want to put on it. I like to use the spray margarine, Mrs. Dash or cinnamon and a little sugar.

    These are just a couple suggestions that have helped me!

    Edited to add: KALE CHIPS! They are crispy so it feels like a chip, but the bonus of it being a superfood!