


  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    I have a fitbit. It is very accurate in the miles it tracks. Probably the steps too, although I'm more interested in the miles for my hikes and daily exercise goals. Other than that the thrill of tracking has warn off. So that's basically all I use it for.

    What does TDEE mean?

    Total Daily Energy Expenditure - how many calories you burn per day.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    How do you guys deal with wearing the armband all the time? I just think through my work wardrobe, and most of my clothes are either short sleeve, or thinner material so it would definitely show pretty much every day. And that just seems weird and unprofessional to me. I used to wear a FitBit and that was easy enough to hide in my bra.

    Anyone else have that problem?

    Yeah I can't imagine wearing this thing every day. For now it's fine since I can wear hoodies to cover it (I'm a SAHM) but in the summer when I'm in tank tops there's no way I'm going to subject myself to the questions lol
  • mywise
    mywise Posts: 43 Member
    Keep in mind for people who are just starting out with the says u need to wear it a few days for it to get used to u and what u the readings most likely wont be exact the first few days.
  • onu1978
    onu1978 Posts: 1
    I love my bodymedia CORE. I like seeing how many steps I have walked, my sleep patterns, and calories burned. It is fun and a great tool with MFP.

    As for how to hide it...I haven't tried it, but on another site, someone said something about wearing it on your left calf. The data is supposed to be similar. I can't say for sure since I haven't tried it.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I have had the BodyMedia for about a year now and love it. I have the link because I got it through a Groupon deal so it was a lot cheaper. I was surprised to find out how many calories that I burned on a daily basis. I actually wear mine tucked into the side band of my bra now instead of on my arm. The readings are virtually the same. I still wear it on my arm when I exercise, but I like to keep it hidden for everything else.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I wore my bodybugg for about a week before getting utterly sick of it. I hate the armband, I hate that you have to plug it in to sync, I hate that there is no display to get immediate feedback on steps taken (mine IS a smartphone one...but it rarely worked when I wanted to sync).

    I've been wearing my fitbit every day for months and I love it. Both gave approximately equal TDEE numbers, but the fitbit is WAY more user-friendly, discreet to wear, and I much prefer it.

    Plus with fitbit, there is no monthly subscription fee.
  • Ploogy
    Ploogy Posts: 115 Member
    BMF bases BMR on the inflated Harris-Benedict equation. Go look at Haybales' spreadsheet to adjust your BMF TDEE downwards, often by 200 points.
  • scuddy58
    scuddy58 Posts: 5
    I have the Fitbit and I wouldn't use anything else. I can't wait for the flex to come out. I've got my name on the list. Fitbit is so easy to use and you can run reports to see your progress. That is what I have to see, results. It is easy to use and it is easy to buy. I got mine at Best Buy. If you have any reward points with them it really makes a good buy.

    Good luck!!
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    How do you guys deal with wearing the armband all the time? I just think through my work wardrobe, and most of my clothes are either short sleeve, or thinner material so it would definitely show pretty much every day. And that just seems weird and unprofessional to me. I used to wear a FitBit and that was easy enough to hide in my bra.

    Anyone else have that problem?

    If I had to list one drawback to the Bodmedia Fit, it would be that the armband is kind of bulky. I work in a business environment, so I usually always wear long sleeved shirts. You can still kind of see it through, but between the t-shirt and the dress shirt it's not very noticeable. During the winter months, I've usually worn hoodies but most of my t-shirts will cover it up.

    There is another product out there that is very similar and I am very curious about. It is called Up by Jawbone ( . It is a wristband that you wear 24/7 and is a little bit more discreete than the Bodymedia armband. Unlike the Bodymedia product, you log everything through the mobile app. I don't know anyone who has one so I don't know how much of a pain it is to do it that way. It is currently only available for the iPhone, but there is an Android app coming down the road.

    Edit: I just went to the site and it appears they have an Android App now.
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member
    I have had the BodyMedia for about a year now and love it. I have the link because I got it through a Groupon deal so it was a lot cheaper. I was surprised to find out how many calories that I burned on a daily basis. I actually wear mine tucked into the side band of my bra now instead of on my arm. The readings are virtually the same. I still wear it on my arm when I exercise, but I like to keep it hidden for everything else.

    I wear mine in the side band of my bra all the time too. It does give pretty accurate results this way, but then again, I've been wearing mine for years, so I pretty much know what my numbers are going to be. I would recommend wearing it on your arm for awhile before switching to the bra...just so you know what you would normally burn on active days and lazy days. Also, BMF recommends making sure you wear it on the left side of your bra and have it in the same position in your bra as it would be on your arm. :smile: