Feeling pretty down

scotslass Posts: 317
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Today i'm feeling frustrated, bloated (im on time of the month) and just generally stuck! yesterday I had chocolate some full fat cola and an all day breakfast, I was in the childrens hospital as my son was getting an operation on his eye, so i seemed attracted to the rubbish food and full calorific drinks :-( I refuse to give myself a hard time for yesterday as I was pretty stressed out and worried about my baby, but take last week for instance i burned double my weekly calories i always do double my daily mintutes of exercise and yet a weigh in my weight hadn't budged, I sometimes feel like why am i bothering.

Sorry I hope I don't bring anyone else down just had to get this off my chest


  • Hey,

    dont be down hunni, you will get there, you are nearly there now looking at your profile, its peeps like you that inspire me to lose my weight.... bad days are allowed from time to time and they help us remember we're human....take care :)
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317

    Can I just say thank you for taking the time to reply to my complainy post :-) and can i just tell you that you made my day especially saying peeps like me inspire you to lose weight thats such a massive complement thank you vvvv much :-) your totally right about us being human, we do tend to give ourselves such a hard time for off days!

    Thank you again you really made me smile :-)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Remember too, you are not just doing this for the number on the scale. You are doing it for a healthier, stronger body and accountability for your beautiful baby. We all have stress times. But don't be down. It is done. Think of all the things you can accomplish today now with that "bad" day behind you. Learn from your mistakes. Take care of you and your son :)
  • You're welcome hunni, have a great day :)
  • kajaknowers
    kajaknowers Posts: 113 Member
    Your still doing well....the most important thing is to keep going regardless of your frustration.....plus if there a time you don't want to think about dieting it would be when your child is having an op.....just keep going :)

  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    We all have our off days, and with a son in the hospital having surgery, I can imagine how much stress you are under right now! (My younger daughter had to be hospitalized at 5 weeks old because of RSV). But it takes a lot of strength to get back up on that pony and say "Every day is a NEW DAY!" You can do it. Don't give up!
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Hey there, it has been a rough couple days!! When you are fighting for your sanity, don't add the stress of your diet. It is ok to take a breather for a day or two. Will it stall your weight loss? It might, but so long as it is not a long term break, you shouldn't gain too much. More important than your diet is to be there for your son, he is MUCH more important the the scale.

    Going to your frustration with the scale, it is very common for people in the 4-8 week range. Here is what happens. You start your diet, and in the first week or two, you lose A LOT of water weight. You usually keep losing weight for a couple weeks, then the weight loss slows or stalls for a little while. (Add TOM and you get a double whammy... water retention comes back and other really weird hormonal effects)

    That is why I recommend using the scale as only 1 of several measures. I have seen from your profile that you have some "before pictures." That is one good measure. How do your clothes fit/how many sizes have you lost? Take measurements (waist, hips, chest, and neck) and measure inches lost. How long can you run/bike/swim etc...? How many calories can you burn before you are exhausted? How do you feel, compare to when you started? I could keep going for a long time... but you get the idea.

    Finally, when you question, "why do I bother," I want you to do the following: look at your prescious little angel, and ask yourself this question, "Is he worth it?" :flowerforyou:
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    A MASSIVE thank you to you all for taking the time to reply to my post it means alot to me! and you are all right what is a bad day espeically when my son is my life! my priority! and its not a permanent rest im back at the gym tomorrow so why am i giving myself such a hard time I do not know!.....my little angel is so worth it!! he's worth the fact i have the energy health and weight loss that helps me to get up ready and out rather than sitting depressed overweight and unhealthy! You have all made me sit and think and also most importantly made me smile and realise my son is sososos worth it!

    Thank you all again!, it also inspired me to put pics of me up before i lost the 20 lbs before joining MFP so have a look and tell me what you think xxxx
  • jnisbet
    jnisbet Posts: 1
    I am a 54 year old woman who has battled weight ALL of my life. I have lost 80 pounds in the last 10 years! I recently had major surgery on my foot which kept me confined to the couch for six weeks. I was scared to death I'd gain weight. Finally back at work weighing the same as I did before surgery, the weight has started creeping up again. I'd gained 8 pounds and someone recently turned me on to myfitnesspal.com - that's just what I needed for motivation. I've learned that I can eat whatever I want, in moderation and I absolutely have to exercise. Yesterday, I walked 3.25 miles in an hour and will do it again today. Don't be discouraged. Stressful times, I want to eat too, but I've decided life is stress and exercise manages my stress. Good luck!
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