Phonied Workout MOTIVATED MEEEEEE!!!!

Have you ever been to the gym and faked your moves ! Thats what i did last night in my Body Pump Class . Didnt work half as hard as I usuuallly do . Why? for many reason like i was sore sick and just not fired up enough . BUT I FEEL GUILTY .
I have been hitting the gym religiously for the past 5 weeks
Yesterday was the first time i felt like that . Dont want to binge. (didnt eat bad but i was just over my calorie count didnt burn as much as i usually do for these classes)


During your Journey have you ever had any of these days .?


  • PJT614
    PJT614 Posts: 17 Member
    When this happens, change up you routine. You're getting stagnant.
  • watchmeshrinkto65
    I definetly willl i think that could be the case .

    Have you ever go theses days of which you dont woorkout as hard as you usually do ?
    What do you do to get through it and get the best of it ?