Which burns more calories? Tabata or HIIT?

I've been studying up, but I'm still stumped.... which burns more calories (including the continued after-burn), 4 min of tabata or a regular HIIT workout?


  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    they're the same thing, essentially. both involve going all out for 20-30secs followed by a short break.

    the key to both of these workouts is the after-burn or EPOC (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). this means your body continues to burn calories after the workout to return to it's pre-exercise state. the harder you go and the longer your duration, the greater the EPOC and the longer you burn cals post-exercise.

    i started out with a 4min tabata workout when i first started and worked my way up to insanity.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Tabata is a specific time protocol for a HIIT workout. Don't worry about the "burn" and do the workout that you most enjoy. Or most prefer, as "enjoy" would be an odd word to use for some of the HIIT workouts that I do.
  • amyaroja
    amyaroja Posts: 63 Member
    Hmmmmm, okay. Thanks, all!