This is why I weigh every day....



  • devan44
    devan44 Posts: 130
    Weighing to understand your body fluctuations is fine. But you only need to do that once or twice and never again. Once you know, that's it. You know.

    Weighing every day whilst trying to lose fat can be very demotivational when people don't fully understand how the body works, therefore I'd advise against a scale all together.

    The number really doesn't matter.

    The number on the scale isn't imprinted on your forehead and nobody asks you every single day "Hey, what do you weigh?" or "Awww, man! I'd Love to weigh that amount"

    More often they'll think "I'd love to look how he/she does"

    People see you, not your number.

    I agree with the above. I understand what the OP is saying but for me I cannot stand to see those daily fluctuations. I only weigh myself once every 2 weeks and am always happy to see that my weight has gone down.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    I agree with the above. I understand what the OP is saying but for me I cannot stand to see those daily fluctuations. I only weigh myself once every 2 weeks and am always happy to see that my weight has gone down.

    LOL for me its a plan when I get to weigh myself. LOTS of prunes etc the nice before, try to dehydrate myself etc and then make sure I clog up the toilet before I step on that scale... Good thing I do it only once in a while...
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I weigh twice a day. First thing of a morning, last thing at night. I like to do this to stay on track. I know for some this would drive them bonkers but it doesnt me.
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I'm a daily weigher. I use the Libra app on my phone so it creates a graph and I can see a downward trend, even with daily fluctuations.

    When I used to weigh weekly, I got SOOO discouraged after a week of working out and healthy eating, only to get on the scale and see nothing or a gain.

    The weekly build-up/let-down was too detrimental, but somehow the daily fluctuations are easier on my psyche. I only record here when I drop below my last recorded weight.

    I kind of agree!! I was only weighing ever other week or two, and the scale didnt change at all, so it felt like I did all the work for nothing. I weigh daily. Today I was up 1.2 lbs from yesterday, and I ate great and exercised, so I know its not fat! I dont freak. It usually hovers around the same weight for a couple days, then one day I``ll have a sudden 2-3 lbs drop! Love when that happens!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Daily weigher. and monthly measurements taker. Knowledge is power. If I log my foods I can spot trends. I don't record every day anymore, but am seriously considering starting to on April 1 as part of my next level of fitness and start measuring weekly. I swell with the heat in the summer, and I want to see if I can get that under control with the right hydration, foods, etc. I think the daily weigh in is just like brushing my teeth or taking a shower every day. It's just part of my routine.

    To each his or her own.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Me too. The more often I weight the less I fuss.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm a daily weigher. I use the Libra app on my phone so it creates a graph and I can see a downward trend, even with daily fluctuations.

    When I used to weigh weekly, I got SOOO discouraged after a week of working out and healthy eating, only to get on the scale and see nothing or a gain.

    The weekly build-up/let-down was too detrimental, but somehow the daily fluctuations are easier on my psyche. I only record here when I drop below my last recorded weight.

    I'm just the same. I don't mind if I put on weight from one day to the next because I count that as part of daily fluctations. However, if I only weighed weekly, I WOULD mind, because I'd have gained over the week! Like you, I find a graph much more useful because you can see a downward trend from the daily weights. It's much more encouraging, especially for a slow loser like me.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I love to weigh daily! If it's lower I am inspired to keep it low and if it's higher I strive to do better that day. I don't stress about it either way. I have learned what sodium and/or low water intake does to me and I find it fascinating.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Weighing to understand your body fluctuations is fine. But you only need to do that once or twice and never again. Once you know, that's it. You know.

    Weighing every day whilst trying to lose fat can be very demotivational when people don't fully understand how the body works, therefore I'd advise against a scale all together.

    The number really doesn't matter.

    The number on the scale isn't imprinted on your forehead and nobody asks you every single day "Hey, what do you weigh?" or "Awww, man! I'd Love to weigh that amount"

    More often they'll think "I'd love to look how he/she does"

    People see you, not your number.

    I know what you are saying but...
    I've been overweight nearly all my adult life so I'm not (yet?) in a position where I can think "I'm done". Weight is just one of the measurements I track (only one I do daily though). Tape measure, body fat percentage, how much I can lift, how far/fast I can cycle etc. I'm very target oriented and know that hitting a goal or making progress is what drives me. Weight is just one aspect of health for me.
  • davecando
    davecando Posts: 46 Member
    Hi every one I get weighed every day and it goes up and down it is annoying to see and makes me angry some times as i feel i have eaten right trained hard, i one weighed before bed and weighed again in the morning lost 9lbs overnight people dont belive it but i can do 5lbs easy over night it goes back on dureing the day ! i record it once a week a week on Sunday but i get measured once a month middle of the month last month i lost 18lbs and 11.5 inches , this month i lost 14 lbs and 5 inches my arms stayed the same and my calf’s grew half a inch the body does work in a funny that I can’t even begin to explain how it works i just know if i eat rubbish i will look rubbish and feel rubbish its simple really
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I weigh myself daily. I think the difference between when i weigh myself daily NOW versus when i was doing the same thing before is that i'm not hung up on a certain number that i need to reach. I'm much more concerned with how i look and feel rather than what the scale says. I don't get depressed if the scale "won't budge" or whatever the complaints are that come up on here all the time, i just keep chugging along.
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I weigh daily twice a day. I weigh in the mornings and evenings. I find it fun to see the change through a day. Sometimes if I have had a really busy day it isn't till I hit the scale that I realize I must not have had enough to drink. I then make sure the next day to increase my water. I find the information useful and if I get discouraged I remember the fluctuations can be from all kinds of things.
  • lanakills
    lanakills Posts: 12
    Weighing to understand your body fluctuations is fine. But you only need to do that once or twice and never again. Once you know, that's it. You know.

    Weighing every day whilst trying to lose fat can be very demotivational when people don't fully understand how the body works, therefore I'd advise against a scale all together.

    The number really doesn't matter.

    The number on the scale isn't imprinted on your forehead and nobody asks you every single day "Hey, what do you weigh?" or "Awww, man! I'd Love to weigh that amount"

    More often they'll think "I'd love to look how he/she does"

    People see you, not your number.

  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    But I get SO depressed when I see a gain of any kind. It really effects my mood for the rest of the day.

    I used to weigh myself one day a week, but now am up to two times. First thing in the morning I am heavier than at 9 AM for some reason, so I like to weigh in on Saturdays when I am home at 9AM (hey, it works for me) and then on wednesdays when I am up at 6.

    I wish I had your attitude about it, but seriously, my day is ruined if I see a gain of any kind.
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    I weigh myself every morning as well, but I only record when there is a loss. Sometimes it takes a few weeks but I eventually get there. :smile:
  • JerseyGirlinTN
    JerseyGirlinTN Posts: 144 Member
    I'm a daily weigher. I use the Libra app on my phone so it creates a graph and I can see a downward trend, even with daily fluctuations.

    When I used to weigh weekly, I got SOOO discouraged after a week of working out and healthy eating, only to get on the scale and see nothing or a gain.

    The weekly build-up/let-down was too detrimental, but somehow the daily fluctuations are easier on my psyche. I only record here when I drop below my last recorded weight.

    I kind of agree!! I was only weighing ever other week or two, and the scale didnt change at all, so it felt like I did all the work for nothing. I weigh daily. Today I was up 1.2 lbs from yesterday, and I ate great and exercised, so I know its not fat! I dont freak. It usually hovers around the same weight for a couple days, then one day I``ll have a sudden 2-3 lbs drop! Love when that happens!

  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I don't need a scale for that, my joints let me know when I am retaining water.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    You don't have to weigh every day, but when you avoid the scale you withhold helpful information from yourself.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I weigh daily. I only log new lows on MFP but I have the Libra App and have been recording on there daily. I typically lose all my weight for the week in about 3 or 4 days then maintain for the other few days then lose again. It's interesting to watch the trends. I also record my daily calories, weights, weekly measurements, and monthly cycle information in an Excel spreadsheet and track all of that.

    I like the data, I know I'm eating right to lose weight so I don't care about the fluctuations, sometimes it's a little annoying to see a jump in the scale but if it's expected (heavier workout, drinking booze, eating too much one day causing water weight) it doesn't actually bother me or affect my day.

    I disagree that you only need to figure out the trends and then you shouldn't weigh as much. There are plenty of people who only maintain by weighing daily. I know that for me, the mirror lies. Yesterday it told me I weighed about 300 pounds, my scale told me I was still at 165 and my hormones were effecting my vision. At the same time, the reason my weight got so high in the first place is because I had an old, not very functional scale that did not reflect anywhere near my actual weight so I was able to fool myself into believing that I weighed a lot less than I did. Like I said, for me, the mirror lies (in both directions).
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member

    You don't have to weigh every day, but when you avoid the scale you withhold helpful information from yourself.

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