
matihutley Posts: 8
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Tonight, I'm going on a night out, and being 18 and in England that means a fairly large amount of alcohol will be involved. I'm not asking for anybody to tell me not to drink it, because I am going to, and I don't especially need advice on what to drink as I know clear spirits have the least calories, and a calorie-free mixer like slimline tonic will be best with it. What I was wondering is whether I should stick to my normal daily food calorie intake regardless, or lessen it a little to balance it out. I will be doing a few miles walking beforehand but that is all the excercise I can fit in beforehand. Thanks for any replies!


  • NancyMoedt
    NancyMoedt Posts: 207
    I had the same situation yesterday. My hubby and I are known for deciding to go out at the last minute and eat.

    I usually lessen my food intake on the weekends, to make up for the drinking at night. But that doesn't mean I put all my calories into alcohol either. I had taken my breakfast and lunch meals down to 300 calories and no snacks. For Dinner, I did choose healthy items like a veggie wrap with sweet potato fries, apple crumble for dessert. But I had a pint of Guiness and that was my meat. :wink:

    Then after dinner we went 10 pin bowling for two hours and I burned off 633 calories.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is I would lessen my calories and add in a little more exercise. Have fun :drinker: !
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I'd try to get in an extra work out.

    The biggest thing is try not to end up eating heaps of greasy food as well. Maybe eat a proper dinner before you go, but if your friends all want to get kebabs or something, you'll have to think of something else. Late night drunken eating is a disaster. I had a whole packet of biscuits yesterday and I don't even remember it! Damn. My friend sent me a text telling me I owe her a packet :)

    And then there's the next day. I find a big fruit salad is the best recovery food. Try not to do the Macca's Run or a big fry up or something.

    Other than that, have fun :)
  • If I were you I would check the calorie content of a pub measure of your drink of choice and make sure you have enough calories remaining for the day to allow for the number of drinks you plan on having. Treat the alcohol just like you would treat anyother food....and avoid the kebab on the way home :wink:

    example : 1 vodka and slimline tonic is 55 kcal so if you will have, say, 10 then be sure to have the 550 calories left before you go out.

    The problem I find with alcohol is the craving for the big fryup the next day :sad: !!!
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Oh, and in answer to your actual question, don't limit your food during the day (at least, not too much). You need the nutrients and you don't want to be hungry when your drunk for the reasons I mentioned in the previous post.
  • 3309
    3309 Posts: 2
    If your a beer drinker, the lighter the beer the fewer calories! I drink mgd 64calorie beer made by miller lite! if im in the mood for something stronger, try vanilla or cherry vodka with diet pepsi! its delicious and its only 76 calories per shot. My advice as far as the calories is to fingure out how many beers you may want to drink then calculate the amount of calories you will have. once you do that thats how many calories you should set as your goal calories to loss for the day! that way they will even themselves out!
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I'm a drinker too.. If I know that I am going to be drinking that night, I usually try to cut back on the cals during the day. I usually stick with the clear liquor, as it has less cals, but I do like the occassional JagerBOMB or tequila shot! If I'm getting really tossed back, I will go over my cals when I drink. Because pritty soon someone ordered a pitcher of beer and fries or onion rings and mmm.. those are hard to resist, especially if you were so good all day (ya know what I mean..hehe)

    Anywho.. If you're going out to have a good time, then have a good time and be good today so you won't feel like such a shmuck tomorrow. Just have fun and be safe! WHOOT!:drinker:

    p.s. Drink water!, it won't make your buzz go away and you won't wake up with a hangover. fit water in somewhere.

    love and light. xo
  • Thanks all of you for the help! I can't fit a workout in, but I will be walking at least 2 miles before, so I'm hoping that helps a little. I've been really good with my food today, so I'll just have a light dinner. I ALWAYS used to have that massive problem with food after a night out. It's just like the most uncontrollable munchies ever! But since I started my diet, I haven't slipped up once, because my mind is so dedicated to it, so even after a night out I manage to refrain from the food I shouldn't eat. Once I had 2 chilli flavoured rice cakes, but at 33cals each, I think it was okay. Thanks again all of you!!
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    You know, there is always tomorrow to add extra time to your workout for to burn some of those extra calories.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • p.s. Drink water!, it won't make your buzz go away and you won't wake up with a hangover. fit water in somewhere

    I like that idea! I should try that when I go out, substituting a drink or two with water would be good as I usually overdo it with the alcohol.

    If drinking at home I buy low carb, low cal drinks such as Mike's Hard lemonade light. It also come light in the cranberry-lemonade flavor. I also like the fruit flavored vodkas, but intead of mixing with fruit juice I mix it with crystal light. Unfortunately bars don't stock so many low calorie drinks... I would suggest looking through the food database on here to try to find a combination you will like that will fit in your calorie range.

    As far as eating I think you should maybe try to choose something with less fat and calories but don't skip a meal, the alcohol will hit you a lot harder. A night out is not so fun if you pass out before it's over!
  • I love mixing my drinks with crystal light. I found a very effective method for drinking and weight loss is to bring the Crystal Light on the go packets with you. I order a water and a shot and make my own drink!!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    The best thing to do is drink vodka(or any hard liquor) with club soda. I like flavored vodkas, Three Olives Cherry is awesome. No carbs and no sugar. 60 calories per drink.

    And stay away from the beer!!
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