BMR of 1735 and calorie goal of 2327???



  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I was/am having a hard time with all these numbers and calculations blah blah blah. I finally got a Fitbit to see what the real deal is.

    I did the same thing. The Fitbit numbers are actually close to my calculations.

    Just go with what the Fitbit says and ignore everything else. Adjust if necessary after 2 months.

    Yep, that's what I'm doing. So done with all the confusion!

    My Fitbit numbers are a little over what I think reality is, but I also know from previous manual record-keeping that my metabolism is a bit lower than the calculators. My girlfriend's Fitbit seems to be totally spot on. I adjusted my calorie goal down about 50 calories after having the Fitbit for a month and that seems to be good.

    Do you have the calorie estimator disabled? I disabled mine because it was throwing out ridiculously high numbers.