snacks for work?

Hi, Im new to this site.
Looking for suggestions for snacks while sitting at a desk at work. It gets boring and I find myself not paying attention to portions of snacks so Im trying to find things that are low cal / healthy. I used to keep a can of almonds / cashews to munch on, but was told that was the WORST thing because of the salt. Obviously dont want to keep candy around. I read another post that popcorn was also bad because of the salt. I am NOT a "raw veggie" person, just could never acquire a taste for raw carrots/broc/etc.
What does anyone else that works a desk job keep for snacks? The office is VERY QUIET and its embarassing to have my stomach start growling.


  • ZyheeMoongazer
    ZyheeMoongazer Posts: 343 Member
    There are almonds without salt added, you can try that along with other no salt nuts. Be careful on the portions though, eating too much of healthy foods is still eating too much.

    I like veggies so my desk top favs are:

    Carrots with Hummus
    Celery with Peanut Butter
    Trail Mix (divided into appropriate portions)
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    Granola bars, raw and/or dried fruit, trail mix. I also see you mentioned popcorn- if you're a popcorn person Kroger has a great 94% fat free microwave popcorn that only has 290 mg of sodium per 5 popped cups- I've found it has enough butter and salt to satisfy my salty snack cravings. Just remember to drink TONS of water- I usually find myself consuming 2-2.5 Ice Mountain water bottles before my 12:30 lunchtime. I've found that helps my cravings/hunger pains. What I've also found that works well is setting times on my Outlook calendar for an afternoon snack and a mid-morning snack. I usually grab a piece of fruit or granola bar, just to tide me over until lunch or the gym (depending on which snack time it is). If you want some support or other tips/ideas, feel free to add me. I'm always looking for new support and am likewise happy to help!! :) Good luck!
  • jrsdws
    jrsdws Posts: 1 Member
    I was never a veggie eater at all until recently. I knew vegetables had to be part of my everyday diet so I started trying different things that I had swore I HATED.

    Sugar snap peas are a pretty regular snack food for me while I drive...and I drive a lot. I pack a baggie and if I have the urge to munch then I'm set. I typically try to save them for my lunch, though.

    Give them a try maybe.
  • healthy_juls
    healthy_juls Posts: 36 Member
    Apples and lemon water.
  • cmfruin2012
    cmfruin2012 Posts: 157 Member
    Nuts -- all kinds -- I always try to have a can of almonds, cashews, etc in my drawer. Really wards off the hunger.
    String cheese
    Hummus chips (yes, there are such things and they are delicious!)
    Yogurt (I have a little fridge in my office -- which helps with the snack storage)
    Granola Bars (be mindful of the nutritional values!)
    Nonni Biscotti
    I also keep a bowl of peppermint life savers on my desk -- sometimes if I think I'm hungry but know I shouldn't be, sucking on a mint keeps the urge to snack at bay.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Also have a desk job and recently started eating every 3 hrs to help my metabolism. From doing this, I've also noticed that I snack less! However, there are times when I am unusually hungry so I keep Nature Valley granola bars, raisins and low sodium almonds at my desk. Another thing that helps me tremendously is fresh squeezed lemon in water, for some reasons that really takes my hunger away. Hope that helps!
  • gowanna27
    gowanna27 Posts: 6 Member
    I just made some roasted chickpeas in the weekend as and they are great - healthy and lots of different flavours you can make
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 336 Member
    I just bought the Easter snack packs of Goldfish crackers last night.
    50 cals, 2g fat, 7g carb, 0g sugar, and 1g protein.

    Also trying the Special K Pastry Crisps - Chocolatey Delight
    100 cals, 2g fat, 20g carb, 7g sugar, and 1g protein.

    Other go-tos are string cheese, applesauce, fruit strips.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    When I worked in an office, I used to keep fruit, usually grapes or a banana, on my desk. Also had battons of cucumber or carrot. THe vital bit was that they were all chopped so I could just graze throughout the day and it wouldnt matter. Becasue of this the banana soon dropped off the list but it was good at keeping me going. I tried other things like broccolli, cabage and cauliflower but couldn't get on with it.

    Now that I drive a lot for work, snacking is a big problem for me. I used to stop at a garage and buy crisps, chocolate, nuts, sweets...... You can imagine the results! I tried the same tricks that I used in the office and had issues with keeping things fresh in the summer, and not sliding all over the car.

    So now I use and have a box of 4 snacks delivered per week. For me, it is just enough to keep me out of the garage until I get home and can get something sensible. There is a very large range of snacks so it also gets round the boredom issue associated with a small number of snacks, and as long as I remember to pick up the box on a Wednesday morning when they are delivered, it works for me!
  • The night before I pack all sorts of snacks to keep me full...

    Trail mix is a big one, nuts, dried fruit, dark chocolate, when I have that craving!

    Impulse fruits and veggies like baby carrots, clementines, apples, stuff I can eat quickly at my desk.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • poorgirl1
    poorgirl1 Posts: 24 Member
    I just made some roasted chickpeas in the weekend as and they are great - healthy and lots of different flavours you can make

    Could you post the recipe please? Thanks! :smile:
  • Naywifey07
    Naywifey07 Posts: 74 Member
    I bought some pistachios, almonds and cashews and put them in a sandwich bag and bring to work... It actually makes me full and of course drink plenty of water with them.... Just hope I dont get tired of them... lol
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    I pack a bunch of snacks in my lunch each day. Usually 3-4 small snacks in little baggies or containers so I'm not tempted to eat the whole container.

    string cheese
    yogurt (the 4oz ones)
    laughing cow cheese
    Luna Fiber bar
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    I'll swear by rice cakes/rice crackers. You can get them in all kinds of flavours so they're not boring at all. I like the Quaker ones best.
  • smancini
    smancini Posts: 6 Member
    I eat Vita Top Muffins for a snack. Only 100 calories and they are delicious. You can find them in the frozen breakfast food area of the supermarket. Or, I'll have Nature Valley crunchy granola bars. These with a glass of water will make you feel full and satisfied.
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    Are you eating enough at your other meals? Just a thought because I know when i have snacks available to me...I WILL EAT THEM even when im not that hungry, other days i forget my snack and I feel fine throughout the day. I do still like to have a snap to keep me from being starving while i make dinner later, but jsut an idea, for me I don't think it would wokr to have multiple options to choose from, because I would eat them all. having said that here are some snacks I like
    Veggies-do you have to have them raw? Do you have access to a microwave? If so i sometimes heat up a half can of green beans, its a good snack, and something about eating them warm tricks me into thinking its a "hearty" snack.
    Fruit-whatever you like
    grapes, apples and pb, banana, melon, pineapple, cuties, kiwi, etc
    laughing cow cheese wedge and some crackers or kasi pita chips
    kashi pita crisps and hummus
    half can of soup
    fiber one 90 cal bar
    protein bar
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    I have two jobs (one a desk the other working with kids) and I'm a full time college student. I found this helps a lot. I split my meals up into smaller portions through out the day so i'm not hungry and it works better with the time i have. A typical day looks like this (hope it gives you some ideas)
    breakfast: protien shake or yougurt or oatmeal
    morning snack: apple or cheese or nuts
    lunch: sandwhich with vegetables or a salad with chicken and nuts or a bag of vegetables and cheese (depends on the day and how busy I will be)
    afternoon snack: granola bar and fruit (this is provide at the job where i work with kids. yes i get paid to sit and eat with kids)
    dinner: whole grain pasta with tomato sauce or sandwhich or something from my UDS caf
    evening snack: yogurt or tuna or something sweet
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I'll agree with the other comments. There's a long list.

    Wheat Thins and Hummus is awesome!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I just made some roasted chickpeas in the weekend as and they are great - healthy and lots of different flavours you can make

    This sounds really good! How long do you keep them in the oven and at what temp? I tried pan roasting them, and I never get them right...