Hello everyone

dru8376 Posts: 98 Member
I would like to introduce myself and share a life story. My name is Jason, I'm from Dallas, Tx, I'm 43 and I have been doing MFP since February of this year.

Last year in September, I had a relationship end unexpectedly and badly. This devastated me so much that I went into a phase of being depressed. I couldn't eat or sleep. My whole world came crashing down. Gradually, I broke out of the depression phase and began putting my life back in order.

Since the breakup, I knew that I had lost weight from being depressed but I wasn't sure how much so I bought a digital scale and weighed myself. Normally, I weighed 300 pounds if not more. I stepped on the scale and to my utter surprise It read I weighed 266 pounds. A 34 pound loss in weight. Seeing this opened my eyes and so began my mission to continue losing weight. And here I am today with a total weight loss of 50 pounds. 10+ pounds using MFP.

I still have a ways to go to get where I want to get. My first goal I set at 250 pounds which I achieved. My new goal is 225 pounds. Every week that I weigh myself seeing how many pounds I've lost, gives me motivation to keep doing this.

Feel free to add me as a friend because as much as I need friends, so do you.
