A private question for the ladies!

Ever since I started losing weight, my period has been affected a lot by it. I went from 4 days to 2-3 days and a large decrease in the amount as well. I also notice that it's late every month. This month I'm a whole week over due.
Has anyone else experienced this and know the reasons behind it?


  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I assume you're in a healthy weight range. I haven't experienced that. It could be just your hormones adjusting although if you're still in a healthy range it really shouldn't be affected. Could it be a coincidence? But if your weight loss was drastic and you're not eating enough then it could be messing with your system.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    A whole lot can play into this.

    I can't see your diary, but, if you are severely restricting your calorie intake, over exercising, don't really have much weight to lose but think you need to get to a certain number etc. These can all have an affect on your cycle.

    I would recommend charting your cycle length, flow etc. for a few months and if you are concerned talk to a GYN or your doctor.
  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    If you are getting really fit or losing a lot of weight it will effect your cycles. It should level out once you level out.
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    Me tooo!!! My period lasted obly 5 days! It is usually 9 days..
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Can't say that I have.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    You should ask your doctor but I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm 20 years old and I never even started menstruating. My body is otherwise developed but I think I've always been high testosterone/low estrogen since I have slightly broader shoulders, narrow hips, and a deeper voice. My gyno said there's no medical need to menstruate and that I shouldn't worry about it.
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    Yes, I'm in a healthy weight range and no where near underweight which I know effects the cycle.
    I'm 125,7 and 5'6". I eat around 1,300-1,500 most days so I'm not starving myself. Working out 4-5 days a week.
    I only have about 6 lbs left to lose. I don't know if maybe this effects my cycle and if so, in what way?
    I hope there's nothing wrong with me..
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Nope. Never.
  • Lainny21
    Lainny21 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm not sure either...I've been regular for the last 3 months....but last fall I didn't have a period at all for 3 months. O.o
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    only way to know is to see a doctor.

    you said you are eating 1300-1400 and exercising...are you eating back exercise cals? that affects your actual consumption numbers.

    just curious....but really if you are concerned, see a doctor.

    and yes my cycle was affected by my weight loss and yes I saw a doctor and no they weren't concerned but that is *MY* situation.
  • ShannonS2714
    ShannonS2714 Posts: 135 Member
    Your workouts can play a part in it, as well as the weight loss itself. It's not unusual. I agree with a previous poster, log it every month (length, flow, etc) for a few months and then talk to your Gyn about it.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Are you on a VLCD or underweight or underfat? I think loss of menstruation is one of the side effects.
  • icyeyes317
    icyeyes317 Posts: 226 Member

    I don't mean the 'typical' definition that people think of.

    I did not have a period the ENTIRE time I was in boot camp...8 weeks....nor did I have one for the first 8 weeks of tech school.
    (I was like clockwork before that).

    When I finally did, it wasn't very heavy. Different/new/demanding/challenging programs can affect your hormone balances. This is a new thing for you. Once you get to your 'goal' and are in a maintenance mode, if you are still worried, talk to your doctor (gyn preferably...since they know their way around our junk).

    added: Before I went to boot camp, I was in excellent physical shape. Boot camp took me to a whole new level of it.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    When I started exercising more than normal, mine stopped but came back after a month or two.
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    not yet I would love to experince this with mine. I tend to go longer and heavier sad to say.
  • staciedee10
    staciedee10 Posts: 90 Member
    Yes, it has affected me in the past as well. Keep up with the cycle with a journal so next time you see your OBGYN, you can tell them about it. ;-)
  • sindikumva
    Yup... I'm down to 1-2 days of low flow. As long as I'm not pregnant... I don't really see any reason to complain about it!
  • iamdominique
    I was sixteen and still hadn't started my periods and I asked my doctor and she said that women who work out a lot/who have a lot of muscle tone usually experience either a late start or a slowed cycle if the exercise routine starts after they've already started their periods. I wouldn't worry about it too much, but it might be different for everyone, so I would talk to your doctor anyways :)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Sounds like a dream come true....
  • Roseisadreamer
    yeah since i started my cycle is completely screwed! not sure if it is diet or what, but i'm now at 40 days per cycle - sometimes even longer!