Fat free supper for blood work.

Just looking for some good ideas for a fat free supper. I am fasting for bloodwork in the morning! and not really sure what is considered to be fat free but filling for my calories. Any suggestions?


  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    What about a nice big salad?

    I haven't eaten meat in a long while so forgive me if I'm wrong but I don't believe chicken breast has much fat in it... maybe bake some and add it to a nice big salad? A bit of apple cider vinegar, mustard and a touch of honey is a great dressing.

    Lately one of my favourite dinners has been a mock taco salad. I make TVP with taco seasoning and sprinkle that over baby spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and a bit of salsa. It is fat free as well. I know TVP isn't something everyone likes but I find it just takes on the taco flavour without the calories and fat of beef.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    What about a nice big salad?

    I haven't eaten meat in a long while so forgive me if I'm wrong but I don't believe chicken breast has much fat in it... maybe bake some and add it to a nice big salad? A bit of apple cider vinegar, mustard and a touch of honey is a great dressing.

    Lately one of my favourite dinners has been a mock taco salad. I make TVP with taco seasoning and sprinkle that over baby spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and a bit of salsa. It is fat free as well. I know TVP isn't something everyone likes but I find it just takes on the taco flavour without the calories and fat of beef.

    I make taco "meat" with lentils.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm confused. It doesn't matter what you eat for dinner, you just need to eat nothing for 12 hours before your bloodwork.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Soup. Beans + lots of chopped veggies +, broth = filling yumminess.
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    Last night I had homemade tomato sauce over a combination of whole wheat pasta and spaghetti squash which was very filling and I'm pretty sure it was fat free. I also had a salad but there was oil in the dressing so none of my salad dressing for you :wink:
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    What about a nice big salad?

    I haven't eaten meat in a long while so forgive me if I'm wrong but I don't believe chicken breast has much fat in it... maybe bake some and add it to a nice big salad? A bit of apple cider vinegar, mustard and a touch of honey is a great dressing.

    Lately one of my favourite dinners has been a mock taco salad. I make TVP with taco seasoning and sprinkle that over baby spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and a bit of salsa. It is fat free as well. I know TVP isn't something everyone likes but I find it just takes on the taco flavour without the calories and fat of beef.

    I make taco "meat" with lentils.

    I'm going to try this - I have made taco "meat" with chickpeas but never with lentils and I LOVE LENTILS!
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    I'm confused. It doesn't matter what you eat for dinner, you just need to eat nothing for 12 hours before your bloodwork.
    This is my thinking too. That way they get an accurate read. Any type of food would tamper with the results.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    I'm confused. It doesn't matter what you eat for dinner, you just need to eat nothing for 12 hours before your bloodwork.

    my thoughts exactly.

    and, IF the doc actually did place limitations on what is allowed for dinner, i'd think it'd rather be more along the lines of low GI, not "fat free".
  • Here where I live they request a fat free supper. Water till 12 and then nothing. Just following doctor orders. :)

    Thanks for the suggestions!
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    What about a nice big salad?

    I haven't eaten meat in a long while so forgive me if I'm wrong but I don't believe chicken breast has much fat in it... maybe bake some and add it to a nice big salad? A bit of apple cider vinegar, mustard and a touch of honey is a great dressing.

    Lately one of my favourite dinners has been a mock taco salad. I make TVP with taco seasoning and sprinkle that over baby spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and a bit of salsa. It is fat free as well. I know TVP isn't something everyone likes but I find it just takes on the taco flavour without the calories and fat of beef.

    I make taco "meat" with lentils.

    I'm going to try this - I have made taco "meat" with chickpeas but never with lentils and I LOVE LENTILS!

    I have never tried it with chickpeas or lentils before! I may have to try that next time.
  • trish407
    trish407 Posts: 9 Member
    I love the lentil idea! Thanks for sharing.