Bashing diets and foods

Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
Okay, look.

Presently, I am just about as off-track one could get insofar as 'healthy' eating. I've managed to stay within my calorie goal of 2,050 for a few months (with the exception of a binge day about twice a month), but that's about the most positive thing I can say. I pretty much always go over on sugar, and am often over on sodium and fat too, even occasionally carbs. I TRY to make good choices, and I do like fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and other nice things. I just happen to also really like cookies, ice cream, chips, and a lot of other bad things too. And I'm tackling one part of my diet at a time until I find a plan that I'm happy with, that I can stick with for the rest of my life. A plan that is MOSTLY clean eating by CHOICE, not by being forced, but a plan that will also include weekly, monthly, or even daily indulgences that allow me to enjoy my favorite 'bad' foods in moderation.

SO. Not that you needed my life story, but I have had it just about up to here with people bashing other diet plans. It's one thing to say "lol raspberry ketones lol", but it's quite another to imply that people who choose to eat a certain way cannot even think for themselves, because if they did then they wouldn't eat the way they did. Let's just take a second to realize how ludicrous this is.

The fundamental problem with viciously criticizing a diet-- ANY diet-- is that you are assuming it is 100% wrong to follow that diet. But the funny thing about people is... we don't all work the same way. Remember that Supersize Me movie? Remember the old, lean guy who ate a Big Mac every day for dinner, and was healthy as a horse? What gives ANYONE the right to tell him he can't have that Big Mac?

Conversely, if a woman is following a restricted clean/primal diet, but is happy and healthy doing so, WHY must we feel the need to kick sand in her face and tell her she's wrong? I'm not getting all "speshul snowflake" on you guys, but why do we feel such a NEED to tell others how to eat / not to eat? If you don't like what someone else is eating, IGNORE IT. If they are trying to pressure you (or your children) into eating the way they do, explain that you are following your own plan and that what might work for them won't necessarily work for you or your family.

There are diets out there that I personally would never follow, and if I found out that people I was close to followed them I would try to understand why. But unless a diet is so restrictive that it cuts out essential nutrients, or so inclusive that it causes someone (like me) to be consistently overeating on certain nutrients like sodium or fat in their macros, I say WHO THE HELL CARES WHAT PEOPLE EAT. Food is not the only way for people to be healthy or unhealthy, and it never will be. You can analyze calories and diet plans until you die, and guess what? There will be NO one way that works for everyone. AND there will be no one way that WON'T work for anyone!

I'm sick of bad food being flaunted and glorified, and I'm sick of clean eating being bashed. I'm sick of hearing about how all processed foods are the devil and how certain primal diets are the way people "should" eat because it will cure all diseases. I'm sick of people acting like MFP should be a controlling regime when it comes to what you can and cannot add to the recipe database, and I'm sick of people getting OFFENDED that other people make healthy 'imitations' of certain foods. Do I think cauliflower with buffalo sauce on it is comparable to a chicken wing? Nope. But do I go out of my way to try to convince others that NOBODY should do this? Also nope!

Because guess what people?! This may come as a shocker to you, but the world will never agree on anything. Freedom of choice is extended to what you put in your mouths! Freedom of expression means you can put that g#dd@mned buffalo sauce on ANYTHING and call it a chicken wing. Because that's how f##king marvelous freedom is.

Report me if you want, I don't even care any more.


  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    While it is true that there are exceptions to every rule that does not mean that rules do not exist at all. By definition if there is an exception such as a healthy guy eating big macs every day it has to be because as a rule that is a bad idea. Drinking soda of any type and quantity is bad. Now if you take it in moderation the amount of bad that it introduces in to your otherwise healthy diet it could be so nominal that might be a luxury that you can afford. It still won't be as good as abstaining from soda completely from a strictly dietary perspective.

    There are some choices that are better than others. People are going to naturally gravitate toward the choices that have benefited them in the past. They will advocate these choices and give them as advice to others. They will defend them if attacked. Now as you have pointed out we are all different so that is where those exceptions come in.

    If someone were to make a post that says never eat beef cause it will make you fat. And another person lost 150 pounds on a diet that used beef as a corner stone to the diet then these two will be on a collision course and there is nothing that anyone can do to stop it. Give both of them anonymity and large audience which is exactly what you get on the internet and presto you have yourself the makings of a diet bashing.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    What soldier said. Also : :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • shaleyn
    shaleyn Posts: 125 Member
    I love my diet mtn dew. ain't nobody takin' that away!! :mad: :mad: :explode:
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I love my diet mtn dew. ain't nobody takin' that away!! :mad: :mad: :explode:

    I actually know a guy who drinks diet mountain dew daily. I am not going to know if it is impacting his diet till next month since he did not get serious about it until this month and I only see him once a month but he is holding tight to it and he said he does not plan to give it up.