Running Injuries

I used to love going for runs, especially when winter turns into spring and spring turns into summer. I loved being able to spend time outside and do something great for my body at the same time. I was running about 2.5 - 3 miles a few times a week last spring, until I got thigh splints and was unable to continue (which is when I started gaining back all the weight I had lost). I didn't even know thigh splints were a thing until I got them. I always had shin splints in high school, but they weren't nearly as debilitating. Now I'm planning on running a 5k in June and am going to start the Couch to 5k program once it warms up... if it ever warms up. Does anyone have any advice on how to possibly avoid thigh splints/other running injuries?


  • By thigh splints I'm assuming youre meaning pain up the outer side of the thigh which may be ITBS (iliotibial band syndrome). This is a tightening of the IT bands which connects from hip to knee and can be very painful indeed.

    Firstly, if the pain is horrendous, always get checked by a medical professional to rule out any more serious conditions. Then stretch! Google IT stretches and be sure to do them religiously post run. Also get yourself a foam roller and google those too....OUCH but feels so good after. Also good shoes are imperative in my opinion. When I say good I mean the right shoes for YOU (your gate, do you pronate or supinate, do you mid foot strike, etc). Go to a reputable running store and get properly fitted (not a big box store!). Shoes are your only must have gear and the most important in my opinion. C25K is a great program and will get you where you want to go. You can repeat any weeks you need to repeat. and STRETCH!

    Best of luck!
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    Thanks! I'm not exactly sure what to call this injury. I had a roommate back in college who was an athletic training student and based on how I described it to her, she though that it was probably thigh splints as the pain definitely feels more like it's in my actual bones than in the muscles/tendons surrounding them. I will get myself a good pair of shoes as soon as the weather warms up. Thanks for the help!
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    I couldn't agree more. The best way to avoid injuries of any kind is by stretching regularly after exercising and wearing the correct running shoes for your running style. When I had a groin injury a couple years ago, the doctor told me that I'd been running in the wrong shoes and when I changed the type of shoes I ran in, I didn't experience a groin injury again.

    A lot of people don't think about this, but rest is another very important key to avoiding injury. I'm currently nursing a calf injury which I sustained as result of overuse. Resting gives the muscles, bones and joints time to regenerate so that they're nice and fresh the next time you go running. I'll definitely remember that when I eventually get back to training. And good luck on your 5k training.