Lost 2 more pounds !!!!!!

So i came up with the idea to weigh myself every friday morning after i get out of the shower !!! I sooooo look forward to friday mornings....i chose fridays because i tend to have a meal on the weekend where i dont count callories and then i have all week to work out so that the meal dosent totally throw me off my diet . Is that a bad idae....i kind of think of it as a TREAT ?!?!?! Tonight me and my fiance are going to a mexican restraunt and then sunday me and some of my friends are going to participate in the march of dimes which is 5 miles !!!!! Im no runner...but i sure will power walk !!!! Wish me luck and ill let you know how it goes !!!!! Im now down to 214 pounds !!!! This is amazing !!!!!


  • andygirl
    andygirl Posts: 18
    Great job! Hope you have a wonderful weekend :flowerforyou:
  • kelscross
    kelscross Posts: 11
    I just saw on the biggest loser Jillian herself said if you treat yourself it will always fool the body into what you are doing so you don't hit a plateau so badly so maybe it's not necessarily a bad thing