
I am seriously struggling this week. I started my weight loss journey for the millionth time on February 11, 2013. I was determined that THIS time it was going to work. I had set a goal in my mind that I wanted to be under 200 pounds before my 40th birthday. With that being said, I made some major adjustments to my daily diet, and exercise.

The first week of my diet I tried one of those crash diets, lose mega amounts of weight in 11 days, and it basically starved me to death. No wonder people drop so many pounds, it isn't healthy!!! In the first week I lost 7 pounds, but I didn't feel good about crash dieting, from years of dieting, I know they don't work. So I decided to go about it my own way.

First thing I did was cut out all soda and junk food. When I say this, it doesn't sound very dramatic, but I used to drink probably almost a gallon of Coke a day. I also cut down my additional calorie intake to 1300 calories a day. After the first week, I started walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes each morning. After the second week, I started to ride the stationary bike at least 3 times a week at night for 30 minutes.

After the crash diet, the next four weeks my weight went up and down and up again. I have only lost a total of 5 pounds in 5 weeks. Now, I know that is 1 pound a week, and I should be happy about that. I know it didn't take a month to put the weight on and it won't a month to get it off, this is a live style change, and it is going to take time.

With all of that being said am I doing something wrong? Did I cut out too many calories from the beginning? Based on the "numbers" I should be losing 2 pounds a week, and I'm not. Needless to say, I am discouraged. In fact I stayed in bed this morning instead of walking. And I feel like a failure.

I've been gaining weight for a better part of the last 15 years. I just want to change my life. I just want to be able to buy clothes where my friends buy clothes. I want to be able to live my life without always being the fat girl.

I guess I could just use some advice, or encouragement, or help in some way.

Thanks for listening!


  • thunderwoods
    thunderwoods Posts: 41 Member
    You can do this - you already know the gallon of soda is bad-bad-bad, and the fad/crash diets will tear you to shreds in one way or another.

    Look in the mirror and tell yourself - really convince yourself - that you are worth it and can do it!
  • TheFabTam
    TheFabTam Posts: 88 Member
    I don't think you should feel like a failure for not getting out and walking this morning. Have to admit mornings are a hard time to get motivated. You still have the rest of the day. Remember getting in a quick workout can be a life saver for those who dont have the time or simply do not have the drive quite yet. Start with a small goal. If you work at an office. Every hour take 10 mins and a leg lift at your chair. Keep a full water bottle and before you can drink it you to lift if 15x's on each side. Small baby steps are what really make up a journey. Have faith love and believe in you! No one can motivate you like you can! Maybe get a pic of a fitter you or a body you'd like to shape yours after. Just everything you can try. Remember YOU CAN'T FAIL UNTIL YOU QUIT!
  • jculliso
    jculliso Posts: 2 Member
    I do understand being discouraged! I actually have a better plan! Ditch the scale! I was obsessed with it! I have lost several inches in the last couple of months and it has beed due to exercise and trying to eat clean! I do sometimes splurge and eat a little junk but then the next day right back on to the eating clean! I feel this is defintely a journey not a destination ! So one day at a time, getting healthy and losing weight is a process and lifestyle change. We can't get there overnight. Small baby step, one foot at a time, will pay off in the long run! Keep on keeping on!
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    You are on the right track. Keep in mind you said you tried a crash diet at first. Give your body a chance to recoup from that. One pound a week doesn't seem fast enough to you but in the long run it is a good healthy start. Everyone has down days. Just keep looking up. There are plenty of people here on MFP to give you encouragement. You can do this. This is the start of the rest of your life at five pounds lighter! Yay you!
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Please don't feel like a failure - you haven't failed. It may be that you need professional help. Fad/crash diets don't work and they leave people feeling more miserable. I could not do it on my own and finally sought professional help from a medical weight loss program. I'm into my fourth day on a medical weight loss program .... best move I could've made.
  • jmpilg23
    jmpilg23 Posts: 7
    Thank you! I appreciate the encouragement. Some days are harder than others, but I plan on getting back on the treadmill in the morning.