Eating back burned calories



    FLCANDI81 Posts: 24 Member
    Ok to sum it up-- I need to eat back what a burn by at least half???? I don't mind doing this- I just had no idea. I thought that goal was to stay at calorie goal and then burn calories working out as well. Dang. Blonde moment. So my calories are at 1560- and I need to eat 1560- plus some of the 400 or so I burn in exercise? Ok. I am eating a breakfast sandwich from home for breakfast, a lean cuisine at lunch w carrots and tomatoes as a snack on the side w greek yogurt dip, almonds or string cheese as a mid afternoon snack, a single serving bag of all natural popcorn around 4 and then a decent dinner w a protein, small carb, and vegetable. I close the kitchen to myself no later then 8. What else should I eat for protein if not meat-- perhaps greek yogurt or cottage cheese? I want to lose weight, and the scale is moving, just not as quickly as I might like. Evidently cause I was doing it all wrong! LOL