motivate me with eating more



  • carla8270
    carla8270 Posts: 15 Member
    I had not been eating my exercise calories back (based on bad advice) and I lost and gained the same two pounds for SIX WEEKS. Frustrating. On Sunday, I started eating more and the scale is already moving. I am eating around 1700 now, up from 1300. I say give it a go!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    open your diary. 2,000 = TDE - 30%? Seems like a lot of cals.

    I am 6' 4" male. 30% below TDEE would be around 1,500 cals

    I agree 2000 seems like alot for a woman

    You might want to do some more searching. There are literally thousands of women that lose at 2000+ on this board or close to it.

    And how about 500+ post about it.

    Agreed. I'm a woman and eat 1800-2200 cals everyday and have lost 107 lbs.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    open your diary. 2,000 = TDE - 30%? Seems like a lot of cals.

    I am 6' 4" male. 30% below TDEE would be around 1,500 cals

    I agree 2000 seems like alot for a woman

    You might want to do some more searching. There are literally thousands of women that lose at 2000+ on this board or close to it.

    And how about 500+ post about it.

    Agreed. I'm a woman and eat 1800-2200 cals everyday and have lost 107 lbs. It works if you work it correctly!

    Yup, I'm losing eating at 1900, and that's TDEE-25% for me.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    LOL this is almost identical to a post I made, all the way to the title.

    I was in the same place as you- I started off not eating a lot and dropped my calories even lower the second week and I was not pleased about my second week weight loss. I couldn't believe that I had lost 1 lb eating less than 1,200 calories and working out over an hour everyday.

    My trainer told me to eat more and I still was hesitant. But I have been doing it for about a week and I really enjoy it. I don't feel deprived at all. I didn't weigh myself this week. I am giving it one more week because the scale always freaks me out. But I have noticed changes especially in the way my clothes fit so I am confident that I am doing it the right way.

    As long as you create a deficit, you will be fine.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I agree that you should increase your calories gradually and see how you feel. When you go from 1,200 calories to allowing yourself 2,000 that is a huge shock to your psyche. I was thinking there is no way I am going to lose weight this way.

    I started off by giving myself a 1,600 calorie max (my trainer's suggestion). But at the minimum I try to eat my BMR which is about 1,500. This is also why I am scaling back my exercise. I feel more comfortable eating 1,600 calories and burning 400 as opposed to eating over 2,000 and burning 900. The great thing about it though is that days I want to "binge" (which I have had no desire to yet) and eat 2,000 calories, I can easily do a 900 calorie burn and still meet my goal calories.
  • iwantwow
    iwantwow Posts: 152 Member
    yes..i calculate it again my TDEE -30% comes around 1850,so trying to focus around 1800-1900 calories,also i workout 2 times a day,morning jillian dvds(i rotate them) and evening 45 minutes brisk walk.I am 192 pounds and 5'3" diary is open but since i am from india ,i eat indian cuisine (home made),i watch my nutrition,take mv,omega-3 ,vitamin b12 and vitamin d(since i am deficient)...but yes i would try to eat more and workout same.....lets see what happens