Giving up on the 30 Day Shred

I've been a fan of the 30 Day Shred for years! But this time I am getting no results. I've been doing it since March 1st. Not every day, though. I have taken plenty of breaks, probably more than I should have, even though Jillian recommends rest days. Still, now that I am in Level 2, I would have expected SOME change by now. My measurements March 1 and today are:

Weight: 162.5 164
Waist: 30.5 30.5
Hips: 38 38
Butt: 41 41
Midthigh: 23 23
Upper arm: 14 14

Yeah, no change. My MFP BMR is 1511 cals. I've been eating between 1500 and 1950, depending on how much exercise I do during the day (once in a while I will mix in some gym cardio). Am I eating too much? Perhaps MFP is overestimating my BMR.

I have lost 16 lbs since November, and I used to lose 1 to 1.5 lbs/week eating about 1400 cals a day and exercising on the elliptical. I know that is eating below my BMR, but it was working a lot better than what I am doing now. I felt great. Now, for 4+ weeks there has been no change.

I am a little impatient because I am getting married/honeymooning in 10 weeks. I want to lose 5-10 more pounds (ultimate goal 145 one day..) before then, and I don't think that is an unrealistic goal for 10 weeks. But at the rate I am going right now I will never get there. Sorry, Jillian.

Pics (before is orange top, after is green top). As you can see there is no change :(.




Any advice for me?


  • fuzzers88
    fuzzers88 Posts: 6 Member
    Oh, I wanted to add that I track my calories on a different app/website (with some help of MFP) so I don't have a food diary to share...
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Don't give up. It's only been 19 days. Are you doing other types of workouts along with the 30DS? I find that doing the same thing over and over is not only boring, but is not as effective as mixing it up. Running, biking, elliptical, a walk, etc?
  • Seems like you are eating at a level where it would be safe to try eating a bit less
  • bdburch
    bdburch Posts: 127
    If you're bored you're not going to stick with it. Try to get moving everyday and mix it up! You don't have to do 30DS; try some other videos. There are plenty for free online.

    My advice is to consistently get exercise. If you're taking too many rest breaks or if you are going too easy on yourself then you won't see results.Other than that, just make sure your diet is right.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    You said it yourself that you are taking plenty of breaks, and, it's only been 17 days. Changes that are taking place might not always be outwardly visible in a short amount of time.

    The fact that your weight has increased makes me think that your body is retaining water to repair muscle etc.

    What is your eating like? Your diary isn't open. Do you weight/measure everything? Are you getting enough protein? What's your salt like?

    It's possible that you aren't eating enough for the workouts. Do you eat back your exercise calories, or at least have them built in to your goal here on MFP?
  • 2ht2hand1e
    2ht2hand1e Posts: 116 Member
    Maybe switch it up and try something new and challenging? My body seems to get used to specific workouts overtime. Jillian Michaels has other killer workouts too if you are attached to her.
  • roguex_1979
    roguex_1979 Posts: 247 Member
    I can't comment on 30ds from experience because I did two days and then gave up, but I understand that the best way to do the shred if it's the first time you're doing it is:

    Day 1
    Day 2, day 3, day 4
    Day 5, 6, 7
    Day 8-10
    Level 2 (I don't know how one would tackle level two)

    If you are reasonably fit enough and have done it before, I perhaps wouldn't take too many breaks, or take some breaks, but up the weight level you use. This could help with the measurement.

    As for the eating, perhaps you can eat a bit less. Try 1400 daily plus any exercise calories (maybe not all of them).

    I lost 10lbs since New Year and my measurements didn't change. Last week, I started exercise again and started lifting weights regularly, and my measurements are starting to go down now!

    Persevere too.

    Good luck!
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I guess I am kind of confused...are you are blaming Jillian because you haven't lost any inches in less than three weeks when you yourself said that you have taken too many breaks? It's a 20 minute workout. Are you doing other stuff or are you expecting to work out 20 min a day three days a week and shrink inches in 2.5 weeks? Not trying to be rude, just wondering why you are blaming a dvd when you aren't using it like it should be used.
  • McMomsie
    McMomsie Posts: 4 Member
    It seems like very little working out.
    I am doing 30 Day Shred level 3 right now. But only as a filler workout. Like if i cant make it to the gym for my 5 km run, or spin class or Muscle Pump/Group Power.
    To achieve dropping 10 lbs, i personally have to really watch my calories, and do a definate amount of exercise.
    I just dropped 10 lbs in the last 2 months, and I did so by dropping my cals to 1330 daily ( from 1500 which was my BMR) and working out for 30-60 min 4-5 times a week. ( I take Tues and Fri off as rest days... and sometimes Sun)
    For me... the BIG change came when i started spinning. dropped fat, tonned abs and shapped butt in record time!
    Its a HARD work out, and to start i thought id never go back, but i did... and now go twice a week. Its still challeging but i am able to get through class no problem ( dripping in sweat)
    success doesnt come easy, so if you feel you arent trying your best... you likely wont see your best results.

    Good luck!
  • fuzzers88
    fuzzers88 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone, thanks for the replies and feedback. I'm not blaming Jillian for my lack of weight loss (still a huge fan!), I think it's a combo of the workout being too easy and short and me eating too many calories along with it. I've been using Level 1 as a warmup to Level 2 because I hardly break a sweat with Level 1 now. Maybe if I was 16 pounds heavier again I would have seen some movement. I think it's time to mix it up a little!

    Here's hoping I find a way to break out of this stall!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Hey everyone, thanks for the replies and feedback. I'm not blaming Jillian for my lack of weight loss (still a huge fan!), I think it's a combo of the workout being too easy and short and me eating too many calories along with it. I've been using Level 1 as a warmup to Level 2 because I hardly break a sweat with Level 1 now. Maybe if I was 16 pounds heavier again I would have seen some movement. I think it's time to mix it up a little!

    Here's hoping I find a way to break out of this stall!

    Good luck!! I know I did 30ds for about 12 days and I was VERY out of shape.... Even so it became WAY too easy, way too fast.

    Agreed on the nrolfw ;)
  • Zimabob
    Zimabob Posts: 8
    I think you're eating too much. 1900 calories, and you're not even working out every day? Wow.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I think you're eating too much. 1900 calories, and you're not even working out every day? Wow.

    I lost 60 lbs eating between 1700 and 2000. Not even working out every day.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member

    this. maybe 30 DS is not challenging enough for you?
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Alright so here's the skinny!
    You've just started it takes a long time to see results for some folks because there are layers and layers of fat that has to be removed before you see any definition.
    You said you take many days off, this program is meant to be done every day, as a stepping stone, you could also be using heavier weights and I may ask are you giving your best effort while your working out and how is your form?
    Are you seriously watching what you eat?
    This program can be spread out way longer than 30 days. I did each week for two weeks and I also increased my weights and even paused the video, too do extra crunches, jumping jacks and such, I did this following week 1 added one and 2 for a about 9 days and so on till I was finally doing all the weeks combined in 1 total workout that actually last for 60 mins.
    The results will come if your not lying to yourself about the effort your actually putting into it.
    You may message me should you have any ?'s or concerns or if you just need guidance.
    FASTFUELXXX Posts: 89 Member
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    I see definite difference in those before and after photos.

    I say keep at it, but if you really feel it isn't working as well as you would like, get into a different program. Mix it up, try other things. Or, add in another program to do on the rest days from 30DS, one that's less intense.

    Example, I'm currently into week 4 of Shaun T's Rockin' Body and I'm going to start 30DS next Monday (3/25). On my rest days from 30DS, I'm going to throw in some of the Rockin' Body just to keep some activity going. Today's Rockin' Body didn't make me feel like I worked/sweated enough, so I think I'm getting a little more adapted to it - early on the same workout I did today almost made me pass out. Today it was easy! So I know I can totally keep this as part of my routine for lighter activity days! Maybe you just need other options to fill in, keep active, while doing 30DS? I'm no expert of course...

    But again, I do see differences in your photos, so I'd say go ahead and keep at it. Maybe do less rest days and keep the momentum going a bit better?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    this. maybe 30 DS is not challenging enough for you?

    It's weird, but all the advice in this thread seems to be "Don't give up, keep 30 day shreddin!" Ummm....NO. OP has being doing those DVD's for YEARS. Can we move on to another program? Or does 'support and encouragement' mean to keep telling someone to stay the course, even when you know better?

    How many years must someone keep doing a program that promises results in 1 month?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Hey everyone, thanks for the replies and feedback. I'm not blaming Jillian for my lack of weight loss (still a huge fan!), I think it's a combo of the workout being too easy and short and me eating too many calories along with it. I've been using Level 1 as a warmup to Level 2 because I hardly break a sweat with Level 1 now. Maybe if I was 16 pounds heavier again I would have seen some movement. I think it's time to mix it up a little!

    Here's hoping I find a way to break out of this stall!

    You have answered your own question.

    I second DavPul's suggestion.

    It's also hard to give any other advice without being able to see your diary.