Pizza Rolls! are Lucifer disguised in little mini pock



  • SquidInTraining
    You did the right thing... they probably would've just burned the roof of your mouth, anyway. :grumble:

    Hooray for good choices!:drinker:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Wow. This reminds me that I ate a whole bag, watching a movie with my boyfriend's brother last week sometime... literally. He had a bag on a plate and I ate half. Then he cooked another bag. I ate half. But I still managed to lose 2 lbs after that! lol
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Just had to say, I love your topic headline :)

    Way to stay strong, mama!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Having the will power is great (it really, really is), but maybe you should have allowed yourself just one or two?

    The biggest problem that happens when we get cravings is that we deny ourselves. If we constantly deny ourselves, the more eating right and getting healthy and losing weight seems painful. And then it rolls into longing for the way we used to eat, it isn't fair that other people can eat whatever they want and I can't... etc. etc. etc.

    In general, when we want something, and try to substitute it for something else, it backfires. I can't find it now, but there was a great article that I read on this. We tell ourselves that we can't have the chocolate, or the chips, or whatever it is, so we find something else to eat instead. But that doesn't satisfy us, so we find something else to eat. And neither does that. In the end, you've eaten way more than you should have, and generally, you end up eating whatever that first thing that you really wanted was anyways. The point? Isn't it better to just eat that ONE thing, in moderation, in the first place?!

    If you really want something, you can make it work. And you can analyze what it is that you want. For example, one crunch egg (the Easter candy), has 9 grams of fat. Seeing as that is only slightly less than a quarter of what I'm allotted for the day, there is no way that is worth it to me, so I resist eating one every single day I go into work and that jar full of them is staring at me. 6 pepperoni pizza rolls have 10 grams of fat; 6 cheese pizza rolls have 8. If you are going to eat that as your lunch, maybe paired with some veggies, I think that's totally reasonable. Sure, they are not the BEST thing for you, but eating a quarter of a day's worth of fat for lunch leaves you plenty left for breakfast and dinner. OR, you could eat them as a snack, instead. Eating only 3 would be 5 or 4 grams of fat. The 100 calorie packs tend to have about 3 grams of fat each, just as a comparison. It really isn't so horrible.

    I am a firm believer in everything in moderation. I think that depriving yourself can only cause depression and stress. You have to indulge yourself every once in a while, and if that means you eat nothing but salad (with no dressing, of course!) the rest of the day, it can be totally worth it. If I know I'm going out for dinner some night or my husband wants to make a pizza, I plan accordingly. You can still do and eat whatever you want, you just have to plan for it! =)
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    Well done.

    On monday I thought I was sugar crashing, my friends, bless 'em, bought me a Snickers bar and a bar of Galaxy with fruit and nut, these types of things I used to eat without a second thought, but I looked at them, said thanks and promptly put them downstairs with a post it note for my flatmate and her boyfriend to take if they wanted them as I didn't.


    Willpower, such a wonderful thing sometimes.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Glad your willpower kicked in! You will be so glad that you turned those fat bombs into a soap sponge! They just explode on your body!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully your pantry, freezer, and refrigerator are not hiding anymore of those types of derailments! Way to go! Proud of you!
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    I have a homeme cake in my kitchen staring at me,sigh, I wish it would sprout legs and RUN like the wind out of my house, LOL

    I friend turned me on to a WW recipe she found for a cake consisting of nothing but cake mix and a can of pumpkin. She made chocolate muffins with it using a chocolate cake mix and they were AWESOME. I made a carrot cake mix with it and IT was awesome. Somewhere in the range of 130 calories per slice. Not bad....big on the sugar...but you get the pumpkin benefits :)

    That sounds good. do you add any water or anything? I would like to try it

    How did the carrot cake taste? Did it taste like carrot cake even with the pumpkin in it?

    Nope, no water. Just cake mix and a can of pumpkin (the small can..not the big huge ones). Mix it up, spread it in a pan or muffin pan...and cook it at 375 until it's done...about 20-25 min. Check with a toothpick.

    The carrot cake tasted like carrot cake...a hint of pumpkin. The chocolate muffins my friend made though you can not taste the pumpkin AT ALL. They were delish...nice and fudgy and killed that sweet tooth.

    You can also do the exact same thing with a can of sprite zero. Amazing how it works. No water, oil, eggs, nothing! Just the mix and a can of sprite zero.
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    these are what i eat when i want some pizza rolls:

    they are surprising tasty and affordable, and 200 calories :)

    These might have a TON of sodium in them, most pre packaged meals do, try making it yourself-the sodium will be worse than the fat or calories b/c it holds water and will make you sleepy and feel gross.

    She's right about the sodium. I sometimes eat the prepacked for lunch because of my crazzzy schedule. In this case try making them with english muffins, sauce, and low fat mozz. Throw a pepperoni or two on there and call it pizza! Kids just like the IDEA of pizza..they most of the time don't even really care.
  • jurgitafit
    jurgitafit Posts: 112
    just a question, if we find it bad for us why do we feed it to our kids?

    The soap part made me laugh... i could picture it.

    A good question. I had the same one.
    Just because I am a huge fan of cooking and eating healthy and tasty homemade foods. We should teach kids how to choose the best foods for them, so they don't have to struggle later, in the adulthood.
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