Bodymedia weekly balance??

Is it possible to get a weekly balance of calories burned, calories eaten, and total deficit for the week through bodymedia? I am only seeing daily totals.


  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    In your activity manager you can go to "Specific Days" and set it to "Last 7 Days" and see an AVERAGE of all the tallied metrics, but not the total (that I know of).

    That would be really convenient, though!
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    Yes :) If you go to the activity manager and to the upper right hand side, above calories burned, you will see a report option and you can choose the report you want. It will show you your daily average for the week :)

    The report is right net to the facebook share button.

    Good luck!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I've never clicked those buttons before, ha!

    But she doesn't want an average. :\

    The graphs for the individual days are not easy to read.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    I must admit I never have until this question popped up and then I got curious XD
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    It will give you a multiple page document if you click on a summery report and give you graphs and info over 4 or 5 pages :)

    Edit: it is for the week :)
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Nothing I see in my reports says total calories over the week. I only see averages...
  • dbduca
    dbduca Posts: 1
    That report thing is cool! It looks like I am eating way too much sodium. I wonder what is too much, especially for someone with Meniere's.
  • lintywaver
    I see the averages, which is nice, but I need the totals so I can adjust my calorie intake by the end of the week. A lot of times I don't meet my caloric needs for the day during my work week and then I make up for it on the weekend. Without actual totals, it makes it difficult. I might just start a spreadsheet unless anyone comes up with a way to see the totals. Thank you!

    And Mom, 1500 mg of sodium is the max you should go. There's usually 1-2 daily servings of sodium in processed foods. If you're anything like me (which is pretty much the case), you probably retain water if you have too much sodium. I try to limit it as much as I can.
  • chadgard
    chadgard Posts: 102 Member
    Just to the right of that report button is the export button. You can export your data as an excel file. You can then manipulate and calculate to your heart's content, including weekly totals if you so choose, in a spreadsheet.

    If you don't have excel (the only Microsoft product I like...), you can use Google Docs, which can open the excel export from BM, and manipulate away that way for free.
  • lintywaver
    Thanks Chadgard! Hadn't even thought of that.