Dizzy Spells...

Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if anybody on here has noticed an increase in dizzy spells since starting their diet? Recently, I've been having a lot of dizzy spells, ranging from 10-30 seconds long where I feel if I walk forwards, I will fall (like the room swims around my head and I have to sort of.... wait for it to stop before I can continue what I'm doing.) I'm just wondering whether or not it's diet related or maybe something to do with me.

I did post a topic about only eating 500 cals a day on the food and nutrition section but I had these dizzy spells even on days when I increased my calorie intake to over 1200. Any thoughts? thanks, melissa x


  • badloki13
    badloki13 Posts: 15
    See a doctor. I know that is a short answer but you really should see a doctor.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I just flipped through your diary glancing at every day back to the start of April and I think I only saw one day that you even ate 1200 calories. And maybe two more that you were even at 1000 calories. I would say a big YES the dizzy spells are probably related to how you are eating.

    I know that you posted about eating a very low number of calories and you have already heard peoples' opinions about that but.... seriously, if you are getting dizzy, I think you definitely need to EAT more! I think you mentioned that you have been so busy studying that you just haven't had time to eat, but I don't know how you can concentrate on so little food. I find myself getting dizzy some days on 1200 calories so I typically eat 1400 or more. I have been losing just under a pound a week -- 10 lbs so far. So, just in case you need a bit of extra push, you CAN eat more and still lose weight. Don't make yourself sick!
  • sparkles321
    sparkles321 Posts: 107
    You definately need to be eating more than 500 calories per day, keep it up over 1200 for a couple of weeks straight and see what happens. Dizzy spells can be a sign of low blood pressure or hypoglycemia. With only 500 calories a day, it's possible that you're harming your body and creating these problems where you didn't have them before. Get those calories up (healthy, not junk) and if it persists or gets worse, get to the doctor.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've had dizzy spells in the past when I don't eat enough or go too long without eating. It usually starts as a headache, but if I'm standing or it's hot, I'll definitely feel dizzy from lack of food. I'd suggest eating AT LEAST 1200 calories. You can easily add in some veggies, a glass of milk, or some nuts to up the calories without being unhealthy.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    You may be dehydrated. Don't forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day. It is recommended that you drink at least 8 cups of water a day. If it cont. see a doctor. There is a water tracker on you food tab so don't forget to use that.
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    I know it sounds stupid though and people won't believe me when I say this but for example today- look at what I ate- my dinner was so huge I couldn't move. I will try to eat more though, I'm trying already but the stuff I eat more of doesn't seem to add up to much. Could it be too much sleep? I sleep quite a lot. xxx
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    Water, thats a good suggestion, I don't drink much water, maybe a litre a day max or something. Never feel thirsty though (unless I eat something salty etc). Yeah, I've noticed headaches too. I'm not sure when they happen though, I haven;t kept a record of whether or not its always when I'm hungry- but I'll try to take more notice. x
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    Quit starving yourself. What you're eating is clearly not enough despite feeling 'stuffed'. I ate exactly the same way your food diary shows that you've been eating and I had extreme dizzy spells and was so weak I couldn't even get out of bed.
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member

    I have to agree with everyone else here, you need to eat more. And it really matters what you eat, and when. You need to be having a good breakfast with lots of protein and a bit of carbs to start the day. Especially if you're exercising or exerting yourself. Your dinner should be a fairly light meal, I try to keep mine under 500 calories so that I don't go over 1400 for the day, and I can still eat properly.

    For sure you should also be drinking lots of water, and make sure your iron levels don't drop as well. Maybe take a vitamin supplement while you're figuring out your diet, just to be sure?

    And if it continues longer than a week or two, see your doc, but s/he'll probably tell you all of the above anyway after taking some blood.

    Good luck, hope the dizziness stops!!!
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    also, can people suggesting more calories give me some ideas of small but high calorie healthy foods I can eat- as honestly, I'm already full so if I need to increase my calories, I need them to be from things that aren't gonna make me feel i can't move from fullness. xxx
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have one word for you: Balance!

    I used to get up at 6 am, have my coffee, go to work and eat at 11:30 am every day. It was what I did........I didnt know any better.

    When I started passing out/having dizzy spells the FIRST thing my doctor of 20+ year asked is what I was eating. Well I was "dieting" so when I did finally eat at lunch time it was a salad with veggies. He ran some tests and told me to eat a balanced meal of 200-300 calories every 3-4 hrs, or 3 meals aday at appox 500 each. He said when I was passing out or having dizzy spells my body was out of gas-just like my car.

    I also ended up in the hospital from a low calorie cleanse type diet. Being hooked up to an IV pole is no fun I tell ya.

    Balance it out. I hope this helps a bit.......
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Eat a small handful of almonds (about an ounce) or a spoonful of peanut butter with every meal and you can easily get up to your allotted calories without feeling too stuffed. It might not be the best balance of calories, but at least you would be able to get in more calories. And/or buy some whey protein and mix up a scoop with some milk and drink before and after working out. A lot of times people don't find liquids to feel as filling, but it can be a good way to get more calories in.
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    I'm a bit of a nut addict so I will definitely pop to the shop tomorrow and get some- roasted and unsalted right? they're the healthier ones? I do love peanut butter... thats a good idea about having some with each meal. I don't work out much- I literally just went swimming today to have a change of scene from studying but when I start doing more exercise I'll definitely think about the protein shakes. Thanks for your help, really appreciate it. xxx
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    also you can afford to eat the full fat cheese or 2 % milk.

    IMHO you need more protien. It will fuel you for longer. And dont be afraid of good fats. Olive oil and avacados are really good for you.

    It seems like you are trying super hard-and I am so proud of you for this! Your food looks like healthy stuff........you just need to add some more to it.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I'm a bit of a nut addict so I will definitely pop to the shop tomorrow and get some- roasted and unsalted right? they're the healthier ones? I do love peanut butter... thats a good idea about having some with each meal. I don't work out much- I literally just went swimming today to have a change of scene from studying but when I start doing more exercise I'll definitely think about the protein shakes. Thanks for your help, really appreciate it. xxx

    I love the all natural PB-you have to stir in the nut oil, and it is so yummy! Will def add some cals to those crackers!!
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    I'm really sorry to hear that ur dizzy spells got so bad. Thankfully mine are short and I've never passed out- stumbled and smacked my shoulder on a doorway, but never passed out. I can't remember if I used to get them before dietting, I really wish I could remember in case its to do with something else, but I'll definitely take everything everybody has said on here on board and hopefully the problem will stop- if not, yeah I'll go see my GP. Thank you everyone, xxx (if anyone else reads this and has any other info that might help, I'd be very grateful, also other suggestions about healthy high cal in low quantity food) x
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    also you can afford to eat the full fat cheese or 2 % milk.

    IMHO you need more protien. It will fuel you for longer. And dont be afraid of good fats. Olive oil and avacados are really good for you.

    It seems like you are trying super hard-and I am so proud of you for this! Your food looks like healthy stuff........you just need to add some more to it.

    Exactly. Make a bunch of hard boiled eggs. Those can make a quick snack for while you are studying and are great protein. Also, you can try adding whey protein shakes even if you aren't exercising a lot. Most people use it for pre- or post-workout because they are pretty rapidly digested, but if you are having trouble with feeling too full, they might be an okay option for you because maybe they will not leave you feeling super full for long. Otherwise casein protein is a longer-digesting form of protein powder that you could try.
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    also you can afford to eat the full fat cheese or 2 % milk.

    IMHO you need more protien. It will fuel you for longer. And dont be afraid of good fats. Olive oil and avacados are really good for you.

    It seems like you are trying super hard-and I am so proud of you for this! Your food looks like healthy stuff........you just need to add some more to it.

    I love you for telling me I can eat full-fat cheese, problem is I would eat the whole block in one day. The only way I'm eating so well is because I don't buy things I can snack on except for fruit etc. Whenever I go home from uni, and there's loads of non-diet food in the house, I'm like GORGE (that's really bad isnt it?). Is 2% milk semi-skimmed? I think that's what I have already, I hate the stuff thats like water. love avocadoes and as I eat a lot of salad, I guess that would be a great thing to add to my meals too! thanks for the tips xxx
  • beloggins1
    Looked at your diary. Try and add a couple or three days at 1000 -1200 to see if you feel better. Stagger the days so your body feels satisfied. You might try to add a couple of snack meals. I have three morning afternoon and evening. Don't worry about the sleep, you need around 8 hours to help with weight loss. Maybe your body is telling you something by requiring more sleep, you don't require as many calories when you sleep. Try eating more and see if you feel better and have more energy. If it persist see your doctor. Burn fat not muscle! Remember a pound of fat takes three times the area as a pound of muscle.To burn fat your body needs reasonably small amounts of calories throughout the day to crank up and maintain your metabolism.