Topamax-losing weight rapidly...

Hey everyone.

I started Topamax 6 days ago for bipolar and I've already lost 7 pounds. I have 100+ pounds to lose so I can afford it. Has anyone else had a similar experience?



  • Cakelady92
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    No, I heard this was a side effect of it for most people, but of course when I was on it I gained instead!
  • stefaniealvarado39
    Are you having any other side effects?

    Topamax does commonly cause weight loss, but it is also not prescribed for bipolar disorder. It can be, but is off label. Are you sure that is what you are taking? If you don't mind my asking, are you type 1 or 2 bipolar? A mood stabilizer like lithium or valproate in combo with an antidepressant if necessary is usually standard of care. It worries me you taking topiramate (which is a seizure drug) and already having a reaction to it. Are you seeing a psychiatrist or is your primary care provider giving you that?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I would keep an eye out for any other reactions as well as your bipolar symptoms and make sure to tell your doc. Since topiramate is off label, it has not been extensively studied in bipolar disorder.
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    My doctor gave me Topamax in high school to lose weight. It is an off-label use for it...
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    Are you having any other side effects?

    Topamax does commonly cause weight loss, but it is also not prescribed for bipolar disorder. It can be, but is off label. Are you sure that is what you are taking? If you don't mind my asking, are you type 1 or 2 bipolar? A mood stabilizer like lithium or valproate in combo with an antidepressant if necessary is usually standard of care. It worries me you taking topiramate (which is a seizure drug) and already having a reaction to it. Are you seeing a psychiatrist or is your primary care provider giving you that?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I would keep an eye out for any other reactions as well as your bipolar symptoms and make sure to tell your doc. Since topiramate is off label, it has not been extensively studied in bipolar disorder.

    My friends doctor has her on an anti seizure med (not sure which one) for depression. Also research into depression and bipolar treatment for my novel has shown that it's common practice to perscribe meds for their side effects.
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    My youngest daughter's neurologist gave her this for migraines
  • cfilipi74
    cfilipi74 Posts: 63 Member
    I took Topamax for over 10 years because of seizures and did loose weight myself. However, I had to stop taking it because I ended up with kidney stones. Not pleasant. Good luck!
  • stefaniealvarado39
    I wouldn't say common practice. It's always a risk prescribing something for offlabel use. I don't do it. I also do not work in psychiatry, so perhaps it is more common there. If the OP is under the care of a psychiatrist, then fine. I would be worried about a primary care provider attempting to treat something like bipolar disorder especially with using off label meds.

    I know palliative medicine has more leeway with using off label meds, so perhaps psych does too, if that is what your research suggests. Personally, I'm not willing to take the risk.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I lost about 10 pounds when I was on it but it gave me weird neuro symptoms and I got off it after just a couple of weeks. My doc was hoping its side effect of mood stabilization would help me. Can't say for sure if it did, as my anxiety shot through the roof due to the neurological symptoms. I'm now on Lithium, Abilify, Bupropion XL and Alprazolam to control my disorder (BP NOS)
  • perfekta
    perfekta Posts: 331 Member
    I took it for migraines. I recently quit it after a couple years because I couldn't stand the side effects (they don't call it Dopamax for fun) which included forgetting what I was saying mid-sentence, and general stupidness. It stinks because it worked great at controlling my migraines, and they are coming back with a vengeance. It's worth it to me to feel more myself again though.

    From what I read, the total amount of weight loss usually ends up being about 5% of your body weight. I have noticed my appetite is a lot stronger since I quit it.

    It has a ton of side effects including kidney stones (got my first one after 12 years without), birth defects if you get pregnant, bone loss, etc. Johnson & Johnson had to pay over $6 million dollars for illegally marketing it as a treatment for psychiatric conditions.

    It can also cause suicidal thoughts, so just be really careful on it.

    Good luck.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Weight loss on Topamax is a pretty commonly reported side effect. Just keep watch for the weight dropping too fast, too much and for other side effects.
  • liya368
    liya368 Posts: 122 Member
    My doctor just prescribed it for migraines but I have not picked it up from the pharmacy yet. To be honest I am hoping for the weight loss side effect; but not the others.
  • RamblinRose1962
    RamblinRose1962 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi...Not trying to be a "Debbie Downer" here, BUT I just came off the generic 2 days ago (had to ween myself off of it) because of all of the horrible side effects I was having. No, I was not lucky enough to lose any weight the 3 months I was on it of course. I did, however, feel as though I was losing my senses. Before I say anymore I was on 100mg twice a day for migraines. This medication DID help the migraines, but was not worth the risk of being on it. I had terrible dizziness, so bad I felt as though I shouldn't have been driving sometimes...can't work out or ride my bicycle. I had involuntary eye movement and when that happened I felt like my brain was being 'zapped". Pins & needles in my hands, ringing in my ears, unable to think of words to put a sentence together (still having a problem with that), my eyesight is now different and I am hoping it is not permanent, dry mouth, taste change...especially to carbonated drinks, no motivation for anything, confusion, and the topper that finally got me to a doctor that cared enough to look into what was going on, was diarrhea for a month. It was so bad that I could not go anywhere but work. I am sorry if this is TMI, but if I can help one person know they are not crazy while taking this medication that is all I care about. Right now you are losing weight and that is great, but if you see, or feel any negative things happening to you, you need to think about whether this drug could be the result of that. My GP was not listening to me when I told him all of what was gong on with me and I was silly enough not to look up the side effects. I had to have my Gastro doctor open my eyes to what was going on. After seeing him I looked up and printed the side effects and could not believe how many I was having, and MAJOR ONES!

    I hope you continue to lose weight and that you have none of the negative side effects...GOOD LUCK! :smile:


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Topomax (Topiramate) comes with a long list of side effects but commonly experienced ones are:weight loss, dry mouth and taste alterations, impaired coordination, and cognitive slowing and kidney stones.
  • perfekta
    perfekta Posts: 331 Member
    Hi...Not trying to be a "Debbie Downer" here, BUT I just came off the generic 2 days ago (had to ween myself off of it) because of all of the horrible side effects I was having. No, I was not lucky enough to lose any weight the 3 months I was on it of course. I did, however, feel as though I was losing my senses. Before I say anymore I was on 100mg twice a day for migraines. This medication DID help the migraines, but was not worth the risk of being on it. I had terrible dizziness, so bad I felt as though I shouldn't have been driving sometimes...can't work out or ride my bicycle. I had involuntary eye movement and when that happened I felt like my brain was being 'zapped". Pins & needles in my hands, ringing in my ears, unable to think of words to put a sentence together (still having a problem with that), my eyesight is now different and I am hoping it is not permanent, dry mouth, taste change...especially to carbonated drinks, no motivation for anything, confusion, and the topper that finally got me to a doctor that cared enough to look into what was going on, was diarrhea for a month. It was so bad that I could not go anywhere but work. I am sorry if this is TMI, but if I can help one person know they are not crazy while taking this medication that is all I care about. Right now you are losing weight and that is great, but if you see, or feel any negative things happening to you, you need to think about whether this drug could be the result of that. My GP was not listening to me when I told him all of what was gong on with me and I was silly enough not to look up the side effects. I had to have my Gastro doctor open my eyes to what was going on. After seeing him I looked up and printed the side effects and could not believe how many I was having, and MAJOR ONES!

    I hope you continue to lose weight and that you have none of the negative side effects...GOOD LUCK! :smile:



    Oh yes, I forgot to mention the pins & needles feeling! Awful, never went away. My feet and hands would "fall asleep" even with no blood supply cut off, and they would hurt like the normal "foot asleep" feeling times 100. Hated it!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    my Dr prescribed me this for migraines... when I got home & read the side effects I threw that crap in the toilet... my only regret is that I didnt read about the side effects BEFORE I paid the outrageous pharmacy co-pay....
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    It totallty screws with your tatsebuds and makes you not really want to eat, hence the weightloss. At least that what it did for both me and my daughter when our doctor gave it to us for migraines. Neither one of us stayed on it long, couldn't stand not being able to taste our favorite foods & drinks!
  • DLSlim
    DLSlim Posts: 92 Member
    I was on Topiramate in high school for migranes. I could only stand to be on the medication for less than a year due to the side affects. I was gaining weight, my hands and feet were numb, I forgot simple words and sentence structure, and could hardly walk in a straight line due to dizziness.
    It was nice to not have migranes for that short time, but it wasn't worth it for me to have my body rebel in that way.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    my Dr prescribed me this for migraines... when I got home & read the side effects I threw that crap in the toilet... my only regret is that I didnt read about the side effects BEFORE I paid the outrageous pharmacy co-pay....

    Never throw medications down the toilet. These drugs cannot be removed from the water supply by filtration or treatment.
  • Cakelady92
    I am seeing a psychiatrist. Topamax was prescribed as a last resort because all other antidepressants, etc I have been on caused me to gain 80 pounds in a year and a half. I started at 15mg for a week and tonight I go up to 30 mg. After one week I have already lost 10 pounds. I am occasionally dizzy and I get the "tingles" now and then but so far nothing unbearable. Maybe because I am on such a low dose. Thanks everyone for your input!