Lower back pain

htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
I was in my turbokick class tonight, which is nothing new, I've been doing classes like this for years, and for some reason my lower back really started to hurt. I have had this ache before when using kettlebells and I read it was because of my form. I've never had my back ache like this in a kickboxing class though. Maybe I need to strengthen my back? A weird fluke?


  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,660 Member
    To keep your back strong, you also need to get your stomach strong believe it or not, a strong stomach helps the back enormously.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Oh looord, you're probably right. I HATE ab exercises. I probably should stop avoiding them. I just told myself my kettlebell swings would strengthen my core, maybe I need to do some planks or something too.
  • Could be all kinds of things.... some common causes are

    * week core
    * poor form
    * tight hamstrings
    * tight glutes
    * tight hipflexors
    * hips not being properly aligned
    * actual structural problem with your back.

    Trigger points for low back pain are often in the glutes (especially on the sides) try massaging here you need to use a lot of pressure.

    A daily program of stretching, and core strengthening would be a great place to start getting over this. FWIW Kettlebell swings to strengthen your core!!