Everyone Should Invest in a Juicer!

Hey everyone! I recently discovered a great way to lose weight while still getting all the nutritional value needed that is mostly maintained in many of our fruits and veggies. Have you ever had an apple or cucumber that has been sitting in your fridge for days?.... that will probably go to waste? Well just chop it up and juice it! doesn't take long at all! It is very simple and basic and it's a great way to get rid of those veggies or fruits you can't seem to eat or may be tired of eating. I enjoyed pear juice today from 3 pears. I also had a blend of yam juice mixed with carrot juice and ginger. Cucumber juice is usually good with a little mint and honey added. All very flavorful drinks that are good for you. It is definitely a great way to switch it up. You can find many easy juicing recipes on the web and if you don't have every veggie or ingredient you need you can always substitute or improvise! Good luck everyone! *Brooke*
