Should I cut the fruit?



  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I'm confused about whether or not I should cut back on fruit. Back when I tried Weight Watchers, fruit was considered a "free" food because their philosophy was that no one ever got fat eating fruit, plus it's got the dietary fiber etc to keep you healthy. MFP gives me 33 grams of sugar per day, so if I throw a small banana in my morning smoothie, have an apple midmorning and a pear in the afternoon, I've already gone over my allotment. But cutting back on fruit just to save sugars seems dumb. Any advice?

    This is a toughy. I believe that fruit won't make you fat. However, I have read clean eater books like Tosca Reno's who says to eat half a fruit at a mini meal, twice a day. She said something like our bodies can't tell the difference between natural sugar, refined sugar and sugar substitute. It confuses me. That said, I just eat one or two fruits a day to kick my sweet tooth, bc when it comes to one or the other, I know I am making the better choice.

    I am curious to read what others say here.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Simply No.

    On an average day I have 1-2 bananas and up to a 1/2 - 1 kg of Watermelon/Rockmelon/Green Grapes.
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    Cutting out fruit usually means you'll end up taking sugars from 'worse' sources. You could do a lot worse than fruit.
    Natural sugars are good for you, it's the purposefully added sugar you need to watch. Fruit also contains minerals and vitamins that you COULD supplement, but why would anyone want to cut out those amazing flavours?
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Saying nobody ever got fat eating fruit is silly, but unless you're stuffing your face with a dozen bananas and several pounds of grapes a day, I wouldn't worry about it. Some fruits are more calorific than others.

    But fundamentally, there's nothing wrong with eating fruit. I have an apple or peach with breakfast. Then I have a couple of plums or nectarines with my lunch. And a banana or some berries with my dessert. Every single day. Yes, I'm over on my MFP assigned sugar macro every day, but I don't really care and stopped tracking it. The fruit fits within my daily calories and I've had no issues losing weight.
  • I wouldn't track sugar intake unless you medically have a good reason :) Just be sure not to go over your carbs! That should be no problem though. Fruit is great for you! ^_^
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I wouldn't track sugar intake unless you medically have a good reason :) Just be sure not to go over your carbs! That should be no problem though. Fruit is great for you! ^_^
