
I thought I had done the introduction when I signed up but maybe not. Here it goes...I'm frustrated and can't seem to lose a pound. I've signed onto other sites only to never be able to maintain the caloric intake and yep, gain weight. I seemed to have gained a good 30 lbs in the past 6 mos and it's driving me nuts. My doctor thinks I have graves disease and while that may be the case, I cannot let that be an excuse to get fat. I also have fibromyalgia so exercising (while recommended) is really a challenge. I need support because I am scared to death to be the 238 lb sad person I used to be and while I'm pretty far from that weight, we all know it doesn't take long to get there. I hope this site is the blessing i've been praying for. Has anyone used supplements like raspberry ketones or green coffee bean extract in conjunction with this program? I hear great things about them but have only lost a pound after taking them for a week and am wondering if i should just stop. I'm willing to try anything to feel better about myself cuz right now i'm pretty low.