I feel like I am DYING of Starvation - that time of month

Hello everyone,

I just started that wonderful time of month where a woman feels just SPLENDID.
Anyway, a problem I am having is that I am eating everything in sight. I have kind of pigged out over the last couple of days and feel really ashamed. :(

You can check out my food journal.

Anyway, I am wondering what are some ways that you keep on track during this time of month. I have never had this happen before, I feel like a bottomless pit! Do you typically eat a few more calories during your period? I hear you are suppose to up it a bit since your body is putting so much energy out during that time.

For the first half of the day I couldn't even eat because I was so naseus/sore.

Tomorrow I plan hitting the gym again. But I feel terrible about my eating habits these past few days. Any advice would be welcomed.

No attacks please or smart a*s comments please.


  • Angel_Cake25
    Angel_Cake25 Posts: 48 Member
    I can't speak for the population of women, but I typically eat about 100-300 more on my period. Just try to keep your diet clean, sometimes we slip up during that time of month. But do your best, one bad day doesn't destroy everything.
  • Charlixoxo
    Charlixoxo Posts: 94 Member
    Hey :)
    It's normal to feel hungrier at the time of the month because your body is losing blood so the loss or iron makes you feel weak, tired and hungry!

    They do say your metabolism speeds up during the time of the month, but im not sure if that's right or not!

    Just eat little healthy snacks every few hours in between full healthy meals, then your stomach will feel satisfied because its always getting something.

    Hope this helps x
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    Maybe you're feeling super hungry because your body is in need of vital nutrients that you are not feeding it? I find a lot of times that when this happens to me, I load up on iron and vitamin K and I finally feel full. I usually add an extra serving of beets and Kale to my smoothie in the mornings and that does it for me. It's actually pretty normal for women to crave extra during this time because there are nutrients you need to regulate hormones, and your body knows it's about to lose a lot of iron so it compensates. Some women lack vitamin D and this happens to them as well. Might be worth looking into. :)
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    Hello everyone,

    I just started that wonderful time of month where a woman feels just SPLENDID.
    Anyway, a problem I am having is that I am eating everything in sight. I have kind of pigged out over the last couple of days and feel really ashamed. :(

    You can check out my food journal.

    Anyway, I am wondering what are some ways that you keep on track during this time of month. I have never had this happen before, I feel like a bottomless pit! Do you typically eat a few more calories during your period? I hear you are suppose to up it a bit since your body is putting so much energy out during that time.

    For the first half of the day I couldn't even eat because I was so naseus/sore.

    Tomorrow I plan hitting the gym again. But I feel terrible about my eating habits these past few days. Any advice would be welcomed.

    No attacks please or smart a*s comments please.

    People eat based on their hormones. That said, your metabolism rises at PMS and TOM and you can safely eat 250 - 500 extra calories without gaining (depending on the person). That said, eat away (within reason) and take it easy. Use this time to lift extra (if you are a lifter) take advantage of the extra calories to build muscle. I have discovered if I fight my hormones and don't indulge I lose 2 or 3 lbs at TOM.
  • Nino_Kan25
    Maybe you're feeling super hungry because your body is in need of vital nutrients that you are not feeding it? I find a lot of times that when this happens to me, I load up on iron and vitamin K and I finally feel full. I usually add an extra serving of beets and Kale to my smoothie in the mornings and that does it for me. It's actually pretty normal for women to crave extra during this time because there are nutrients you need to regulate hormones, and your body knows it's about to lose a lot of iron so it compensates. Some women lack vitamin D and this happens to them as well. Might be worth looking into. :)
    I am on Vitamin D supplements from the Dr. and take a multivitamin every day. Thank you. :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    It's normal to want more calories during your period. I have read that women burn up to 300 more calories during their period, but I don't have a source for you. I let myself eat right up to my TDEE during that week if I want to do so, but I'm already at my goal weight so I'm not too concerned about being in a deficit. Honestly your food diary doesn't look that bad to me. I see plenty of veggies and not that many sweets, with the exception of the day you had cupcakes for lunch and not much else. You've been under your calorie goal, so I wouldn't worry at all.

    I try to get enough protein and fat during that week and it does help with the hunger part. As for the cravings I give in but just stay within my calorie allowance.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    No attacks please or smart a*s comments please.

    Also, saying this is a sure fire way to get that type of comments.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Sometimes I feel that way, other times I don't. It's generally the week before, though, not the week of. Make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids and try to keep healthy snacks on hand so you can indulge a little. If you crave sweet, eat some dark or semi-sweet chocolate. If you crave salty, grab and handful of almonds. They're not low-calorie but they're much better for you than processed snacks.

    I haven't gone through and looked at your diary but from previous comments it sounds like it's not that bad. Try not to be too hard on yourself, a few days of a few extra calories are not going to derail your progress and if you limit yourself too severely you're not going to stick with it long-term.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I can't speak for the population of women, but I typically eat about 100-300 more on my period. Just try to keep your diet clean, sometimes we slip up during that time of month. But do your best, one bad day doesn't destroy everything.
    following my reports on mfp, i do much the same. there's a clear, predictable monthly pattern. i don't see it as 'slipping up', i consider it 'listening to my body' because there are other times in the month where i eat a lot less. it all balances out.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Actually looking at your diary, you've been undereating most days, not eating back exercise calories, and the only day you've been over it was by 14 calories. I would imagine you're "starving" because you aren't eating enough in general. Eat to your daily calorie goal every day.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I typically eat more when I'm having PMS. It's just seems like part of the deal. I won't sit around being hungry. That's not something I am willing to do.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I go on a carb-athon for the 2 days before my cycle and it used to drive me nuts, but obviously that is what my body needs. I try to do well with carbs most of the time, but those two days are generally a free for all and then the cravings go away when it comes. Hang in there and best wishes!
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    I usually allow myself 200 extra calories (and usually these 200 go to movie theater popcorn, yummy, or to chocolate of some sort) My TOM lasts 7-9 days... I would be so angry and hungry if I didn't, it would be horrible for everyone around me. Oh and it never affects my weight to eat a little more. a couple days after TOM is over, I lose usually 2-3 lbs.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I hear you.

    Especially leading up to that time of the month, I crave cheeseburgers, chocolate and caffeine (the three C's)...

    I figure the burgers is because I tend to have a heavier flow (I think we've all past TMI...?) and I lose a lot of iron that way so this is one of the very few times red meat is all I really think about...except chocolate.

    I try to find healthier ways to still indulge my cravings...(Bison burger...or only do part of the burger)...dark chocolate and sugar free caffeinated sodas...

    Hope this helps...You're not the only one who feels like they over-do it at that time. I feel like I could eat a side of beef and demolish Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory..........(Why does that sound wrong...)

    All the best.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    The endocrinologist put me on prescription prenatal vitamins, and I have noticed a HUGE improvement in my appetite during that time of the month. However, If I really want chocolate, I just eat it. It's easier to give in and eat a serving size of chocolate or chips than not eat it and binge later. That's just how my body works though.
  • qwertymh
    qwertymh Posts: 38
    That is completely normal! But everyone's body is different with their hormone levels with what there body will be craving. One thing which is common is that you will need more Iron! This is due to loosing blood/fluid. Eat some Iron rich foods.

    I would also try gentle exercise, it releives pain and for me, it takes away hunger (only light not intensive otherwise you will burn to many calories and feel hungry again :) )
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    The endocrinologist put me on prescription prenatal vitamins, and I have noticed a HUGE improvement in my appetite during that time of the month. However, If I really want chocolate, I just eat it. It's easier to give in and eat a serving size of chocolate or chips than not eat it and binge later. That's just how my body works though.

    Yes-the chocolate chips really work for me. Or those Ghiradelli squares (The SUPER dark chocolate....80% cacao stuff). If you get more intense chocolate, it takes less of it to sate the craving.

    I do 1-2 Tbsp peanut butter with 1-2 Tbsp dark chocolate chips. The peanut butter fills you up, has protein in it and pairs nicely with the chocolate...it's my PMS fix.
  • LeanneCutrara
    LeanneCutrara Posts: 31 Member
    don't worry your normal. A few days before I start my period I eat everything in sight and just can't feel full. Over the past several months I have tried drinking lots of water or tea when I feel the urge just to eat. I know I'm not even hungry but just want food.

    I also try chewing gum or sucking on a candy which helps. I also try to bring to work crunchy veggies that will help with the crunch i'm looking for and popcorn really helps.
  • fat_harrie
    fat_harrie Posts: 59 Member
    DITTO! I thought I was pandering to the stereotype, I seem to be going crazy for sugar as that is my weakness and I have cut back an awful lot but this week I feel like a crazed looney for want of food.

    I managed to blink and I ate a HUGE bar of mint aero, felt awful after! I try to compensate by upping my exercise and just accepting this is my slip up once a month so I save it as my indulgence.

    Im so glad I'm not the only one
  • I honestly don't understand where you think you have been pigging out, unless there's other stuff you haven't logged? Barely a day goes by when I don't eat chocolate of some description, I nett 1600-1700 a day of not always the most nutritious food, but I don't feel like I'm pigging out. Even with the cookies you're under your calorie goal the vast majority of the time, and if you subtract the calories taken up with exercise, under the MFP's minimum recommended limit of 1200 calories a day a lot of the time. It's a target, eat up to it.

    Just eat more in general. Not saying just let yourself pig out on cookies and ice cream, but If you replaced the calories you ate in the things you feel guilty about with larger quantities of more nutritious, filling food, you wouldn't be as hungry. Sugar craving is a bit different, I have a tendency to reach for the biscuits at TOM, but you can either use willpower to resist it (which should be easier if you're not as hungry), or, as other people have suggested, give yourself a break. It's not a crime to enjoy eating sugary food, and if you can control it, it will make this lifestyle change a lot more sustainable for you.