Why does it seem that everyone on mfp craves sweets?



  • KathrynKennewell108
    KathrynKennewell108 Posts: 72 Member
    I don't. I'm a savoury tooth. And I find things like lollies and too much sweet stuff to be sickening. A sweet craving is a sign of candida. About 70% of the population has candida. Look at what's widely available and you shouldn't find that statistic too surprising.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I have been pursuing through open diaries for fun and ideas on what to cook at home.

    I have a serious question, why does it seem that everyone on this site craves sweets? They constantly eat things like desert protein bars or lite deserts. I don't really understand it. If you have such a large craving for sugary things wouldn't it be better to occasionally have the real thing than constantly having a pseudo sweet that is extremely processed? Just curious.

    Are you asking this question because you eat extremely processed "pseudo" sweets a few times each day? That's what I noticed when I looked at a few days worth of your food diary. Just curious.

    You might get a better quality of replies if you rephrase your original question so that it doesn't read like you're checking people's diaries and getting self-righteous about your food choices.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I don't. I'm a savoury tooth. And I find things like lollies and too much sweet stuff to be sickening. A sweet craving is a sign of candida. About 70% of the population has candida. Look at what's widely available and you shouldn't find that statistic too surprising.

    oh, and here I thought a sweet craving was a sign of how delicious chocolate and ice cream are lol
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Because they're really tasty. Like pie. And cake.
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    I don't 'crave' anything. I eat what I like to eat. If it's sweet, it's sweet. As long as it's within my daily allowance then why not?
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Another one here who doesn't crave anything--unless I can't get it. Like when I was in Finland for several months, I craved Nacho Cheese Doritos (note: you can get something called "Nacho Cheese Doritos" at Subway over there. Don't. Just don't.). I've been home for two months, and have had them maybe twice. Still like them. But now that I can have them any time I want, I don't crave them.

    I eat sweets because I like them. I eat peanut butter because I like it. I eat bread because I like it. I eat asparagus because I like it. I eat chicken because I like it. See a trend here?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    They crave sweets cause they're sugar addicted.

    Yep! And the only way to stop it? Stop giving in to the cravings!

    The attitude that we must NEVER deny ourself something otherwise we will just binge on it is a lazy and undisciplined attitude.

    Eating sugar from time to time as a treat isn't going to kill you - but being addicted to it is not a good place to be in.

    If I'm healthy and my body composition is changing for the better, then does it really matter if I'm "lazy" and "undisciplined" by not depriving myself of anything and instead eating it in moderation?

    Do you think that there's some kind of moral superiority or moral benefit to me in depriving myself of those foods, which I'm currently eating in moderation?

    Also, who's to judge what an addiction is? I don't get withdrawal symptoms from not eating these foods, I just don't see that there is any good reason to deprive myself of foods that I enjoy eating, and I don't want to get into an unhealthy mindset of self-deprivation followed by overindulgence.

    Personally, I think the mindset of "hair shirts", self-deprivation and self-punishment is extremely unhealthy from a psychological point of view, and even from a physiological point of view in that many people find that this mindset sets them up for cravings and binges that wouldn't happen if they just allowed themselves to enjoy whatever food they want, in moderation (i.e. IIFYM). Personally, I think being able to enjoy all foods in moderation without going OTT and becoming obese or suffering from illness caused by eating too much of something, is superior to self-deprivation.
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    I don't crave sweets. Nor do I eat them very often. We always have chocolate, cookies, even ice cream in the house(hubby and daughter). I can completely ignore them without an issue. I always seem to want savoury things. If I want something sweet (which is rare) I will have a piece of dark chocolate or an after 8 mint. But if I have some nice crusty bread and a good strong cheese in the house, I can hear it calling my name. I'll have some, but I have a hard time stopping. So its not sweets for me.