Tips for cutting fat

1. Hamburger meat - I live in a town in the southern part of the U.S. (Alabama). We are generally unhealthy. We eat a lot of fried foods. Most of the restaurants offer a wide variety of fried foods. We will fry anything. In fact, our grocery stores here don't really offer lean meats. To combat this, I have to purchase 80/20 meat/fat ratio. If I'm browning the hamburger in the skillet for say chili, tacos, etc., I brown it until it's well done. Then I move the meat to a collander in the sink to drain off the excess grease. This is what most people do, but I take it one step further. I run the water until it's hot, then I rinse the hamburger meat. My goal is to remove as much of the grease as I can.

2. I look at the labels. I avoid any food products containing Trans Fat. Here's why. Trans fat are those fats produced my man. They are the most unhealthy of the fat products. Get this. The FDA allows companies to round down to zero if they don't have 1 gram. Even trace amount are bad. So here's what to look for. Look at the label for out right Trans Fat. If it states zero trans, move your eyes to the ingredients section. Scan the list for hyrdogenated oils or hydrogenized. If you spots these in the ingredients - avoid at all costs. These fats cannot be processed by the body. They stay stored forever.


  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    Thats a good idea for the hamburber, i also like ground turkey or chicken its really lean and can be used the same way as hamburger :)