I'm baaaacckk! Another attempt!

(I just tried to post this and my computer froze. Grrr.)

I was on here a few months ago but didn't really give it a real try. This time I've got my mind set and I'm on a mission!

I'm 5'6 1/2" ish and my weight ranges from 185-190. My biggest issue is my belly- I have one of those bellys that makes me look preggo and I hate it. My goal is to lose 20lbs. and/or be back down to a size 12. I don't mind being a "thick" woman, I just want my stomach to be flatter because no matter what I wear, nothing fits flattering.

I'm not doing so good at the calories, it's so hard to reduce calories and NOT stay hungry! BUT my best friend and I have joined the gym and went Friday, Monday, and last night. We're going back tonight, taking a break tomorrow, and back Friday & Saturday. We've done a mile on the elliptical each night along with 2 reps of 10+ on a few of the strength training machines. Any suggestions on working more on my belly?

I definitely hope to see some improvement in about two weeks after starting in order to keep me motivated. I can use all the motivation/tips ya'll can give.

Good luck to everyone!


  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome back!!!! If you need some motivation Please add me I would love to help you and cheer you on on your journey I am here everyday too.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on your decision to give it another try.

    I find when I make sure I have enough protein, fiber & water it helps keep me full longer. My problem is trying to find ways to get more protein into my diet but not go over on the other nutrients (i.e. Sugar, LOL).

    How are your meals? How many times a day do you eat? I alway's eat breakfast, lunch & dinner. I have a couple different breakfasts that I rotate during the week and I have a salad for lunch so I fill those into my diary. All that is left is my dinner so I try to plan out my menu for the week and enter that into the diary day by day (because we all know things don't always go as planned). Once my three main meals are set then I know how many calories I have left for the day & if I need to focus on getting more protein or fiber. So, I might have a piece of cheese or veggies halfway between breakfast and lunch or a piece of fruit between lunch and dinner.

    Unfortunately, I don't have the secret to reducing your mid-section (wish I did, I had my last baby 27 yrs ago and I still have a belly with the weight I've gained). Anything I've read says that you can't "spot reduce" that is has to be "an all over" weight loss. Which for me is true - when I loose weight I loose it around my bottom, hips, thighs and belly. That being said - I like to do my crunches on one of those exercise balls. It sort of "zero's in" on those muscles better and have you ever tried to sit on one of those balls to watch TV or do work? You really have to tighten your core muscles - which would make your mid section look smaller!

    I guess my best advice would be to:

    1. Don't over do your exercise and try to do too much too fast hoping to see quick results. You'll burn yourself out or worse get injured. Find a couple things you like to do and rotate them. If you only do the elliptical (or treadmill) your body will get used to it and you won't see any results. Also, try to do some HIT - High intensity training. Do the treadmill (for example) for 1 minute as fast as you can and then slow down for a minute and then go back fast/slow. Find a pace & time that is good for you. You might like 1 minute fast and 2 minutes slow (or whatever) - constantly switch it up so your body doesn't get used to it.

    2. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, water, protein and fiber. Try to keep your food as clean as possible - ditch the processed junk. If you just love your pasta, rice or bread at least try to do 100 percent whole wheat. As soon as my kids moved out of the house I got rid of the white stuff.

    3. Try to cut out (or at least cut back) on the soda's & alcohol. The same goes for anything high in salt. I had an omlette for breakfast monday and it had just 2 oz of diced ham in it and the sodium was real high so I went way over on my sodium for the day and I held onto the water weight the next day.

    4. Find any excuse to move. Park at the farthest point in the parking lot, take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you have a desk job and can get up and move even for a few minutes try to remember to do it. Luckily our bathroom at work is downstairs so I make it a point to go up and down the stairs a couple times a day. Or even at home - find reasons to go up/down several times a day.

    I have quite a bit of weight I want to loose and I just found this website last week. I already lost 1 lb (yea after just losing & gaining the same weight over and over again). I found the Eat More to Weigh Less thread on here - something that makes a lot of sense to me. I've spent years trying to stay around the 1,200 calorie intake like so many of the sites on the internet say I should be eating but now I'm trying to stay around 1,800 which is 20% below my TDEE. I'm hopeful this is my "magic number". I joined on 3/9 and ate 1,200 calories for the 9,10 & 11. Then on 3/12 I started at the 1,800 calories and when I weighed in on 3/18 I was down a pound. I know it isn't even a drop in the bucket for what I want to loose and doesn't compare to the amazing numbers everyone on here is posting but I'm hopeful it's going to work - hey, 1,200 calories per day plus exercising for 30-90 minutes a day 5 times a week "wasn't working" so something wasn't right. My biggest issue right now is to get away from the "1,200" number that has been floating in my head for years.

    Good luck and friend me if you like. We're all in this together!
  • balsan65
    balsan65 Posts: 2
    OMG, you beat me to that statement....here I am trying again!!! I don't know why this is so hard. Losing weight is really very simple, less in, more out. How hard can it be???? Oh well, I guess the fact that I am still trying counts for something. Have a big trip planned for October and would like to take tiny clothes with instead of "what will cover up my belly?"
    Try try again! K
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Honestly, I think you need to change your mindset a bit more. It's quite likely you won't see results in 2 weeks. Especially not in your belly, if that is where you tend to store fat. It may also be the last place you lose. Where you lose fat is not something you get to choose. Genetics made that choice for you long ago.

    Also, don't think of this as an "attempt" or something you do short term to achieve a goal. To achieve and maintain the goal, you need to form a plan you can live with long term.

    And being hungry is not good long term. Either you need to clean up your diet so you can eat more volume without going over calories, or you have your calories set too low. You don't need to go hungry to lose weight.
  • SlimDownDani
    Welcome back! I joined back up again this year and I was surprised by my own new motivation. Sometimes we need a break or we just need to be ready for a life change. Good for you for making the choice to come back!

    The calorie part was the hardest for me as well. My coworkers probably wanted to tape my mouth shut during the first few weeks. I constantly complained about needing more food. That was in January and now, I am eating a healthy amount and stay pretty steady with my 1200 calories a day (I aim for it but, 1400 is by no means overeating either). But, you don't need to start there, eating fewer calories than what you were is a slow and steady way to reduce. That way you aren't feeling the constant pangs of hunger. Water and unsweetened hot green tea got me through it, and they still do. I didn't realize how much I needed the liquids. I feel so much better now! If you ever want to talk about hardy but healthy food options, I love trying new recipes and getting new ideas.

    I wish there was a quick fix workout routine for the belly area. I think everyone does. However, spot reduction doesn't exist. The best thing you can do it cardio with a mix of strength training. Basically, being active. With that being said, I am an advocate of planks. They really engage your entire core.

    I'm no nutritionist or fitness expert but, I find sometimes the basics are best for us. Healthy and fresh foods, moving around (not just going to the gym but taking walks throughout the day. Keeping away from a sedentary lifestyle), pushing healthy fluids and a full night's sleep. One day you wake up and realize that it isn't a diet it's just the way you live.

    I am rooting for you...we all are! Thanks why we are here. If you are looking for some encouragement - feel free to friend me!