Frankie and Benny's nutritional info?

Hi, I am new to this dieting business and have just had an anniversary lunch with my wife at Frankie and Benny's. I have absolutely no idea of the nutritional content. I had a macaroni carbonara with salad. Any ideas what the calorie count would be?


  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    High. I used to work in F&B and the carbonara is probably one of the worst things you could have picked in terms of fat and cals.

    The pasta portion is probably 400 calories, the carbonara sauce is probably 400 calories. Not sure if you put any extra cheese but MFP had parmesan in the database. 15g is 1 tablespoon.

    Small side salad, maybe 70-100 calories. You don;t say if you had dressing If you had a dressing you would be looking at another 120 calories perhaps.

    With pasta sauces stick to tomato based, non cream sauces if you are wanting a lower calorie option or avoid pasta entirely as it is just refined carbs which are never a good choice.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Carbonara isn't great in terms of calories. Pasta and lots of creamy cheese = high cals!

    Don't worry about it though, it can take time to learn what is healthy.

    For future reference, F&B do a 'lighter options' menu with the calories listed.
  • Aethelstan
    Aethelstan Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the replies, I figured it would be high but guessed around 500 calories. How wrong was I?! Luckily we walked to and from the restaurant so we bagged just under 300 cals, and if I put it down as 1200 that leaves me with 800 for this evening which is not too bad I guess.
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    Thats sounds about right. It takes a while to get your head around what are the best food choices hun, don't be too worried about it.

    Did you not go for any drinks, don't forget to log your drinking calories. They have a sneaky way of creeping up on you!
  • Aethelstan
    Aethelstan Posts: 10 Member
    Had a cappuccino with 2 sugars, was counting that in the 1200 ;)
  • Aethelstan
    Aethelstan Posts: 10 Member
    Also I am using this week to more get used to counting what is in what, and seeing where I can improve. It was my wifes birthday yesterday, our anniversary today and my 40th tomorrow. I know I am going to eat more than I should, the real dieting starts on friday :)
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I really wish Frankies would publish their calories for all the menu and not just the lighter option.
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 266 Member
    I had a lovely lunch there yesterday: Main with the Lighter Option Chargrilled Steak and Salad, 425 calories. Dessert was the Lighter Option Chocolate Pancakes topped with cream ice cream and drizzled with chocolate sauce, 200 calories. So total was 625 calories for a filling two course meal. Canee be bad at all, lol.