i wanna EAT



  • koneill
    koneill Posts: 26
    OMG you are me!!! Except I want anything fried and all the cheetos I can eat and pizza and cheeseburgers and pounds and pounds of cheeeeeesssee!!
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    My issue is that Mon-Friday afternoon I am very diligent, I stay within my alotted calories, I eat clean It's great!
    Then Friday afternoon hits, say 5pm and I want a margarita and we always go out to dinner because by Friday night I am tired and do not want to cook. So I give myself a hall pass for the entire weekend, I do not track and I eat whatever. Then on Monday morning (today especially) I feel awful. I beat myself up and am in a generally bad place. By Wednesday I am feeling better, exercising like a mad woman, then it starts all over again.

    I am not sure how to break the cycle, I desperately want to but something is stopping me.....
    If it weren't for my weekend binges I would be in great shape and probably have an awesome body. I guess I am afraid of giving up the foods that I love and yes they do temporarily make me feel good. Guess that is the answer?!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    YES. I get days where I'm literally in the pantry all day, scanning the shelves for the next thing to shove in my mouth. I hope and cross my fingers when those days happen, I'm with someone that I can enlist as help to keep me from eating too much. Last time, I was with my bf, and he said, "Self-control, babe." I asked him to keep his snacks away from me and he did.